Little Miss Obvious

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It had been around a month since that night, my Mom moved back to Philly - like she said she would. She had given me and my brothers the chance to move back with her but my allegiance was with my Dad. I knew my brothers had been in contact with her since she left but I couldn't bring myself to talk to the woman who split up my family. It was weird, her not being here - it meant we each had to do a little more around the house. And me and my brothers had to watch what we said, 

which was always hard.

I sat in my school's cafeteria with Jaime and Tony. I was thankful the bell for lunch had rang, I couldn't take much more Spanish. I grabbed my tray of food from the line and sat down next to Tony - Jaime opposing us. I began tucking into my food, chatting with Jaime and Tony about going to see a movie to tonight. All of a sudden, I felt my stomach lurch, the contents of it rising. I clapped my hand over my mouth, there was no time to make it to a bathroom, I headed for the nearest bin instead. A second after reaching the bin, I saw my lunch again. I felt someone hold my hair back and rub my back, which I assumed was either Tony or Jaime. I straightened myself up, noticing a few people staring. Tony handed me a glass of water and Jaime helped me back to the table, my head was spinning.

"Food must be off or something" I mumbled, watching both Jaime and Tony push their trays away from themselves.

"Maybe you should just go home, there's no point feeling like crap and sitting in class" Tony suggested.

"Yeah I think I might just head home, thanks guys" I smiled.

I still had that awful feeling you get after throwing up as I made my way out to the parking lot. I had told the office at my school I wasn't well, and they didn't doubt me after hearing my stunt in the cafeteria.


I rolled around in bed, numerous times trying to fall asleep. My eyes were heavy but I just couldn't drift off. I heard my phone go and I grabbed it from my bedside table.

"Where are you? History is boring without you xx" from Mike.

I smiled slightly, he had this stupid habit of always managing to cheer me up.

"Was sick at lunch, so I went home. 

Sorry babe xx" I replied.


I woke up, feeling completely off routine as it was still light. I stood up from my bed feeling completely better, the time read 4:30pm so I went down to find my brothers. As I looked for my hoodie in my drawers, I could hear them arguing down stairs. But I could also hear a third voice in the mix, I walked down stairs to see my brothers and Mike all playing the Xbox. My brothers and Mike always did get along, it was just a shock to see them hanging out on their own accord.

"Hey babe" Mike grinned at me, but still focusing most of his attention on the screen.

I watched my brother shoot each other a look and laugh.

"This is my last game okay?" Mike said to them.


"So how are you feeling?" Mike asked laying down on the bed next to me.

"Yeah much better" I said, as he weaved his arm around me.

He kissed me, pressing our bodies against each other and our lips working perfectly together. He pulled away and smiled.

"I'd better stop, I don't want to get your disease" he grinned.

"You jerk" I laughed.

I got up and headed over to my drawers, where I had previously left my phone. I looked at my calendar that was on the wall above it.

"Oh shit" I cursed under my breath.

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