New Divide

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It had been a few weeks since Mike had gotten out of the hospital, after being bed ridden for a few days and strictly lectured by his parents - he hadn't touched alcohol since.

It was lunch time and I made my way over to Jaime and Tony - my usual lunch buddies.

"Hey guys" I smiled, setting my tray down.

They glanced at each other, almost as if they were having a conversation with their eyes, until they both said hi back. I knew something was up, Jaime was being more jittery that usual and Tony was doing everything in his power not to make eye contact with me.

"Guys, what's wrong?" I asked.

"What-nothing" Jaime stuttered.

Jaime was many good at many things, playing the guitar, magic tricks but he was not a good liar. I studied both their faces, hoping to find an answer.

"Hey babe" Mike said, sitting down next to me.

"Oh hey" I said, giving him a quick kiss.

Usually Mike and I never spent lunch together, but recently he'd been sitting with Jaime, Tony and I. I liked that the three of them got on, it made my life a lot easier.

"What's going on?" He asked, noticing the awkward eye contact at the table.

"Jaime and Tony aren't telling me something" I replied.

I watched them glance at each other again, Tony nudged Jaime and in return Jaime shot him a helpless glance.

"Alright fine, I'll tell you" Jaime said, throwing his hands up.

I leaned in closer, "Go on then" I said.

"You aren't gonna like it, there's a rumour going around that 'Mike Fuentes girlfriend, the new girl is pregnant', I heard it in Biology, some girls were talking about it" He said.

"How could they have found out?" Mike asked.

"Well probably from all those times someone walked in on me throwing my guts up in the bathroom, plus I am getting bigger" I answered.


I walked through the my living room and threw myself on the couch. It was Wednesday so my family were all out, so it was just Mike and I.

"Babe it's not the end of the world, people were gonna find out eventually" He said, pulling me into his lap.

"So many people kept staring at me today" I whined. "I thought I could at least keep it hidden longer than this".

I felt his rest his head on my shoulder and his arms wrap around me.

"I'm sorry for getting you into this problem" Mike sighed.

"Don't be sorry, if we were gonna place blame it'll be on both of us. I didn't exactly push you away. Besides, it's a gift, if not for us - for someone else" I said, feeling Mike tense up on the last bit.

I knew how badly he wanted to keep the baby, but I still wasn't a hundred percent sure we could handle. I'd heard stories about young Moms before, the boyfriend was completely supportive before the baby was born and then not so much afterwards. The couple always ended up broken up as well, I didn't want to lose Mike.

"Remember we have another scan this time next week, the five months mark is coming very quickly" I laughed.

**rubbish chapter sorry :c**

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