Dean x Cas

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Dean x Castiel

"God damn it Cas! Do you know what you do to me?! I'm dreaming about you. Then I wake up with a boner!!" Dean says frustrated. The poor angel was confused. "I'm sorry Dean. But. What is a boner?" Cas asked cocking his head to the side like an adorable puppy. Dean's eyes widen at that question.

"Um. It's when your dick is hard," Dean explained somewhat.

"I never had a boner before." Cas admitted.

"I can help with that." Dean blushed. He pushed Cas on the bed and rubbed his area. 

Cas felt his body going weird. He was enjoying this. 'I don't understand.' Cas thought to himself. He let out a huge moan as Dean rubbed his dick faster.

Dean smirked as he say Cas's dick hard and up. "Theres your first boner. You should get rid of it." Dean walked out.

The poor angel was confused and hard.

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