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     The crowds turned noisy and packed up quickly in an instant. A young boy with blonde hair and blue eyes stood in front of me. A deep shade of purple surrounded him. Wow, 10 years later already.

     Target locked, I grinned. The young boy held out a book called KILLUA, "can you please sign it?" I took the book in my hands, and flipped it to the front page. "And who should I make this out too?" I smiled.

     The boy fidgeted around, "erm to Jackson please." I quickly signed a sloppy handwriting with a side note that said imagination is what's real.

     He leaned in close, "do you really think Zodiacs and Treasurers exist?" I grinned, "why of course. I'll see you soon Jackson."

     The young boy smiled, leaving with his book. Oh.... we'll meet very often. Letting the world know about us, check. Spreading the word, check. Helping the Zodiacs, in process.

     An announcement came on, "this signing event will now be closed, please do not leave your books here." Everyone sighed as I went up to leave.

     As I saw a beautiful woman with dark brown hair and gorgeous green eyes. "It's like I'm falling love with you over and over again, Truth." She smiled, giving me a soft kiss on the lips, the feel of our lips touching sent me into a better mood.

     "Aren't you suppose to be discovering things?" I asked. She wrapped her arms around me, "it's my day off."

     I led my arm out, Truth took it. "Let's go meet Troy and Mag." I said. Leaving to a flower shop second.

     It was a 10 minute ride and we saw the lovely couple snuggle. "You guys ready to go?" I asked. They nodded hesitantly.

     We drove far away from the city to where the demolished Marlee High School was. Kneeling in front of Zach's, Francie's, Natsume's, and the annoying kid's grave. I set down white lilies for each of them, putting a red rose for Zach. Everyone else put all different kinds of flowers on top.

     Of course there were no corpse or dead body or even memories. But we had their memories, we did.

     After a few hours we said goodbye and left our separate ways. "You found another Zodiac yet?" She asked. I smiled, "yeah, a cute little blonde boy, about 14 years old."

     We arrived at me old house, my mom's house, opening the door, was my mom and dad hugging.

     "Glad to see you're still in love but we're here to see someone special." I smiled.

     "How's Devin doing?" Truth asked. My dad answered, "he's doing fine, seems like a girl named Kylie Mann is taking care of him. Man she's fallen real hard." He grinned. He's definitely my dad.

     Truth and I looked at each other laughing, the newspaper girl.

     "Can we see our baby now?" Truth asked. As if on cue, a cute dark brown haired kid with red eyes came out.

     "Zach! You learned how to talk at one year old already?!" Truth squealed, already videoing it.

KILLUA [NOVICE MADE]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz