"Well anyway, I couldn't help but overhear what you said. Rejection from your mate is the worst thing anyone could ever go through." I explained to the boy and his face scrunched up as he watched me.

"How would you know?" He smirked.

"I know what it feels like." I stated simply. It wasn't easy to admit something like this to people — to anyone, but I needed them to understand. I didn't want him to become the way the Moonstone Pack had treated me. I didn't want him to be like Cael, and reject his mate.

The boy's eyes widened slightly, his eyes glistening with a mixture of excitement and curiosity.

"What was it like? Why would you get rejected? You're not ugly." He asked and I chuckled at what came out of his mouth. He literally just called me attractive and he didn't even know what it really meant, what did he know? He was in kindergarten. His version of cute was a girl in a plain T-shirt, hair in pig tails. A high school version of cute was — well, different.

"It feels.... like your whole world had just crashed down on you, like there's nothing to live for — but I know that it's not true. The two of us, we were young and... we didn't know what it meant I guess." I explained, adverting my gaze to the floor rather than at their curious eyes. I couldn't find another way to explain to them what it actually felt like.

How your chest pinched uncomfortably to the point that it became excruciating. How it seemed like there truly was nothing to live for. The emptiness in your stomach that you would feel for months or years without end.

"Who was it?" Andy's voice and I snapped out of my daze. I smiled, pushing on my thighs to stand up from the floor.

"Now, that is none of your business." I almost laughed as his shoulders slackened in disappointment from my answer. "When you find your mates, you'll love them for who they are, or what they look like."

Andy nodded slowly, my words probably still sinking in. "I think you're right." I shot him a toothy smile at him as I headed back towards the door.

It had finally hit me how late in the day it was, and how badly I was running late.

I didn't wanted anyone to feel the unbearable weight on their chest if rejection were to happen. The hard clench on your heart, knowing that your mate chose someone else, and there wasn't anything you could do about it. And you were always reminded of it, every time you stared at yourself in the mirror. You were so close but yet so far away from the love of your life.

I stepped out of the room and ran into what literally felt like a wall. Slowly, I peered up, hoping — praying — that it was Ashton. I was met with a pair of hazel eyes. Cael.

Immediately, a spark shot up like electricity, to my spine. A warm feeling enveloped over me, until my toes curled.

My wolf howled in my head. She really needed to shut up. I didn't ask for her opinion.

I took a large step back and every spark in my body disappeared as quickly as they had arrived. My eyes widened as I took a deep breath through my nose, trying to ease the butterflies that had suddenly swarmed in my stomach. Cael stood rooted where he was, a stunned expression plastered all over his face as well as he blinked repeatedly, clearing his throat. The expression though was quickly replaced by a smug smirk.

"You were late for training and I volunteered to find you." Cael smirked.

If only I could just be in his arms. My wolf echoed in my head. Okay eww.

I guess maybe it looked snug in his arms, but it didn't mean that I wanted it. I rolled my eyes at his ego, higher than a New York City skyscraper.

Without saying a word, I shoved past him and scurried down the staircase, almost taking two at a time. If he had heard about my conversation, I didn't want to know about it. He could tell anyone he wished I just didn't need to know his opinion.

A hand clasped around my wrist as soon as we got far enough from the kids' room. I spun around just as Cael slammed my back against the wall — roughly.

I gasped, placing a my hands on his chest, in a pathetic attempt to shove him away. But he didn't move. Within moments, he'd pinned my arms to my side with both of his hands. I might have been a better fighter, but I guess inevitably, he was stronger.

He leaned in, his face just inches from mine, so close until my nose brushed against his chest. My breath hitched as he bent over, his eyes level with mine. Slowly, he inched forward and my wolf howled in my brain.

My thoughts blanked out as my body slackened against his hold, dissolving into his. My eyes fluttered before they widened again, my mushy brain was working again.

I reacted before I could stop myself, kneeing him below — the area between his legs. He grunted, bending over, his hands cupping down there.

"What the fuck?" He groaned as he collapsed onto the floor, on his knees. His body was arched over. My lips twitched upwards, slowly at first until I dissolved into guffaws at the sight of his flushed cheeks and his face that was now contorted in agony.

"Are you serious? I was just messing around!" He moaned, falling to his knees again.

"I don't care, I have a boyfriend! What if Ashton saw!" My laughter dissipated into anger, and I felt my stomach boil up. I loved Ashton and I didn't want someone like Cael to ruin it.

Cael staggered to his feet again, a smirk slowly spreading over his lips.

"Then you can break up with him be with me." He shot me a toothy grin. My mouth feel agape at him as I felt a rush — a satisfying burning sensation spread over my body from his words. My cheeks grew hot, turning into an embarrassing shade of red. His lips curled into a smug smirk from my puzzled expression. "I know you can feel it too, it's the Mate Bond, you can't deny it."

It was getting hot.

My mouth opened but shut when no words came out. I slapped a hand over my mouth, and bolted towards the door, away from Cael and towards the training field.

The Mate Bond was something that no werewolf could deny was fake. It was some inexplainable pull towards your mate that can't be helped in any way. Without them, you feel empty, like a part of you is missing. With them, you feel full again, giddy, and happy.

But I had no feelings for him. I had to have none.

He rejected me, and things would always be that way. I couldn't fall for it like my naive fourteen year old self. Could I?


A/N: wow, Lila might like him....?


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