"You're burning holes into the papers..." Pearl teases me as she throws a paper airplane at my face. 

"Stop that." I swat it away before remembering that I need it. I unfold the stupid creases and place it back on the table. "I want to get this over with."

"Over with? This is really important!" Pearl gasps as she stares at me in fake horror. That's only because she already went through the process that she knows there is meaning behind it.

"I don't even want to go to college. I'm applying a year late anyways compared to you two. Even if I did want to go to college, I'll just go to the same university as you Pearl." Do I even want to go to college anymore? I do want a normal life, but is college the right decision? 

"Shut your trap." Pearl's feisty personality surfaces. Her red hair is lose and wild right now, making her more fiery-looking. "You are going to research colleges with us. I will not having you just applying to UChicago just because I'm there. That's not how you apply." I can tell that she's getting really into this. Sky, on the other hand, is yet again on his laptop typing away furiously.

"Ah wait." Skyler says in the middle of Pearl and I's conversation. "I've just completed your portfolio and resume. You are welcome." He turns his screen in our direction. 

"That's mine?" I read the resume and portfolio. It sounds a lot more impressive than I am. I don't even know if I actually did some of this. "Since when did I get such a high GPA and all these honors and awards?"

"To be honest, I was surprised too." Sky smirks, amused.

"Oh, shut up." I roll my eyes at him. 

"I may have tweaked a few words here and there. Some are exaggerated, but otherwise, I pretty much followed what you have..." Sky points out to some of the stuff. "I searched up your records from Elite, and you shockingly had some good grades. I had to double check to make sure it was the right person."

"Fuck you." I flip him off. He's being annoying.

"Stop fighting, you children." Pearl harrumphs and scolds us sharply. 

"Yes, ma'am." We salute her in our best posture, which gains an annoyed laugh from Pearl .

"But really, you did get a high GPA there. It's impressive." Sky leans over the screen and whistles in appreciation. "I think it's close to what I got, though I got it in college."

"Also, you shouldn't complain. I'm planning on applying to graduate school soon." Sky flicks my forehead and shakes his head.

"You're such a butt." I flick him back before he can move away.

"Why do I bother?" Pearl rolls her eyes at us and moves the laptop in her direction .

"Since when did you get 2400 on a SAT exam? What the fuck." Pearl stares at me like I'm a stranger. "That's impossible. I know you're smart, but 2400? Seriously?"

"I think I took that in sophomore year?" I shudder at the memory. "Dude, my mother made me pour over a shit ton of prep books. Then, Elite freaking made us go to some SAT boot camps on Saturdays'...SATURDAY'S YOU HEAR ME! Pretty much everyone got over at least 2100. The parents' reps depended on it. The students were so damn competitive over it. Vicious even." Let's never talk about the dreaded SAT exam. 

"Anyways, it's a stupid test. It does not measure the full potential of a person. I think anyone can do well on the test, but that doesn't mean they're smart or stupid." I grow rather heated. I am not a huge fan of standardized tests, or just standardized anything. It's stupid and useless. 

"You do know that getting perfect score on the SAT gives you a huge boost on your college portfolio?" Pearl frowns and then reads something that shocks her even more. "You were a Presidential Scholar Finalist. NO WAY!" 

Nerd in Disguise: Blood BoundWhere stories live. Discover now