A N G I E.

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The music blares so loudly through the car speakers, I wouldn't be surprised if blood started pouring from my ear drums. I can't help but to cringe as heavy bass drops shake the car. The entire backseat - Jeff, Mason and I - throw dirty looks at Jason as he bobs his head obnoxiously to the music.

Someone please remind me as to why I'm here, on my way to some sketchy party thrown by the biggest losers in our school.

Perhaps I'm a bit biased, since Jake Feldson and his little group are enemies of Max. Well... were enemies, I should say.

"Jason, are you sure you know where we're going?" I scream over the loud music.

Through the rear-view mirror, Jason glances at me, confused. With a groan and a roll of his eyes, he reaches over to turn down the music.

"What are you babbling about now, Mulan?" He asks, snickering at his racist joke.

From beside me I hear both Jeff and Mason mutter insults right back at him, in my defense. Yet neither of them say it out loud, though I don't blame them. I chose to hang out with Jason. I'm the only reason Jeff is here with us. I begged him to come along, that way I wasn't the only sober one. When Jason is drunk, he's mean.

"We've been driving for over fifteen minutes, are you lost?" I ask again, this time with a snappier edge to my tone of voice.

From the passenger seat Noah raises his eyebrows and looks away, as if he didn't want to get himself involved in this argument. He simply does what he always does, chugs more of the liquor in his hands.

"Why are you so worried anyways? It's not like you even know how to enjoy yourself. Max always said -" He starts off, his words slurring with mean intoxication.

"SHUT UP!" I scream, covering my ears with my palms to block out the rest of the words.Tears prickle in my eyes as I fold my body in half, resting my elbows on my lap.

I should be used to it, yet the mere mention of his name sends me into hysterics. It's nearly been six months and I'm still a walking time bomb, just waiting to break down once again. It's no wonder I don't have any friends anymore. Who would anyone want to be friends with me?

Very gently a hand rubs my back, causing me to glance over in confusion, wiping my mascara-streaked face. Jeff's scooted forward to talk with Jason and Noah and Mason rubs my back with comfort. His eyes don't meet mine, instead they look just over my head, as if he couldn't look me in the eye.

I only cry harder.

* * * *

Jason finally swerves his car onto Jake Feldson's yard, in line with several other cars. His entire lawn is jam-packed. My eyes widen as the loud music thumps, to be heard for everyone in the neighborhood. As I glance over my shoulder, I see the neighbors standing outside their houses in their pajamas, yelling at all of us angrily.

I link my arms with Jeff and Mason's and hurry inside. Just as we're about to get up the front steps, we bump into a group of others.

"Watch it," One of the guys barks at us.

I recognize him as Jake Feldson's best friend, Trax. Behind Jake, Trax is one of the sketchiest guys in our school. I once saw the drug dogs barking at him in the hallway last year. I don't know how he got out of that one...

With him are his usual crew; Daimon, the pervy guy who looks like he hasn't showered in a few weeks; Pia, the sketchiest girl in school. She'd be rather pretty if it weren't for her bitchy personality. Clove, Pia's best friend who appears to be less than 90 pounds and covered in piercing and tattoos. She used to be normal, we actually used to be friends, until she started getting brainwashed by Pia.

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