I look at the hole she is talking about, well basically what I did was, um, I pushed the furniture to the side and yeah, that's pretty much all that I did, but I feel freaking exhausted and everything hurts right now. "I am still waiting for the answers?"

"Well good luck with that because I don't have them." I say while looking inside her eyes, something crosses my mind and she looks at me strangely like she knows that something is going on. I run towards my phone and put some music on as I pull Lauren to the place she calls 'hole' so we can dance.

"I am trying to make it a home, because it doesn't feel like it without you." She smiles as my hands fall on her lower back and hers pull me closer by my neck, my face suddenly too close to her neck and I can smell the sweet parfume she is wearing.

A drop in the ocean
A change in the weather
I was praying that you and me might end up together
It's like wishing for rain as I stand in the desert
But I'm holding you closer than most 'cause you are my heaven

I don't wanna waste the weekend
If you don't love me pretend
A few more hours then it's time to go

I hold her sweetly in my arms as we are swaying to the song, her head is hiding in the crook of my neck, I can feel her hot breath hiting my neck gently. "Your heart is beating pretty fast," she whispers smiling.

"I wonder why?" I place a gentle kiss on her hair. I have to admit it, Lauren is a good dancer or was I am not sure anymore, maybe she is just distracted but I have to say it, "are you trying to get me in the bed on purpose. Because you are literally killing my feet," she starts laughing and almost steps away from me but I pull her back.

"I am just really clumsy, since the operation I have no coordination I swear, nowadays I am just like Camila." We both laugh at her statement now. I move slowly in rhythm holding onto her hips to move her gently with me and for a second I see her, I see the Lauren that I used to know. But in that moment I realize that that was an old puzzle that was already solved, but this Lauren standing in front of me is a completely different story and I can't wait to put her together, piece by piece.

"Let's build a fort," I whisper suddenly, I wonder from where did that come from. "I mean if you want to, we don't have to, but we could like watch a movie inside our little fort, and it has to be small really small so that I will have a reason to pull you on top of me."

"On top of you huh?" Her eyebrows are raised playfully.

"Yes, I would like to fall asleep with you on top of me, because when you are up there I can hear and feel your heartbeat, I can feel how your chest raise and fall, I can kiss your hair whenever I want to."

As my train rolls down the east coast I wonder how you keep warm
It's too late to cry
Too broken to move on

And still I can't let you be
Most nights I hardly sleep
Don't take what you don't need from me

"Y/N, did you ever like, did you ever thought about how would it be if we never broke up," she asks quietly as we are putting the blankets all over the place, we are currently building the fort and it seems harder than it was when I was younger. Or maybe that's Lauren's fault because she can't keep her hands to herself anymore, she always does something and the fort falls on the floor.

"I did sometimes, we would be happy. I always dreamt about a little small house with the garden, maybe even a house on the beach so we could watch how the sun kisses the sea before it disappears into the dark or how the moon climbs on top of the sky to illuminate your lovely green eyes. And you would be pregnant, right now, I would be happily buying the things for our baby, you would be grumpy as always and I would have to walk all the way to your favourite shop at 4 am just to bring you some ice cream or something like that but I wouldn't mind it." She nods as we lay down inside the fort we build together.

Nothing like us [Lauren/You]Where stories live. Discover now