Chapter 16

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*two years later*


I stare out of the window of my new apartment. I moved out after I graduated, and got a job at Hot Topic. Because of that, I get discounts, and Jeff makes me get him band merch.

I need to go to work in about an hour. I should probably start getting ready. I get up, and go to my room.

I put on a My Chemical Romance shirt, black ripped skinny jeans, and black converse. I straighten my newly colored crimson red hair, and then tease it. I put in all my jewelry and my ID lanyard thing, and put on a black beanie, and grab my black leather jacket.

I have about ten minutes to get to work now. I grab my phone, and run out the door.


*Two hours later*

I'm folding shirts and putting them up, when a person comes up and taps my shoulder. I spin around, and see a boy that I used to have a crush on in middle school and early high school. "Hey, Mallory! I didn't know you worked here." Justin smiles. "Oh, yeah. Hi." I smile, trying to be polite. "So how's life been?" He asks. "It's been okay." I say, scratching the back of my neck. "That's great. Oh, and I just wanted to tell you this, I've been wanting to for a while. I like you, I've just been a little scared to tell you." He admits. I put on a fake smile, "That's sweet, but I have a boyfriend. Sorry." "Oh. Okay. I understand." He says, and goes to turn around. Just as I put my guard down, he spins around and kisses me. I'm shocked, but I quickly push him away. "Get out." I growl. He smirks, and walks off. I look towards the entrance, and see a surprised, shocked, angry, and sad Jeff standing there.

Oh no...

"Jeff, no, wait!" I say, and run after him. As soon as we get outside, I catch up with him. "Jeff, it's not what it looks like. He randomly kissed me, I pushed him away and told him to get out! You know I'd never do that!" I say. "No. We're done." He growls. "What? No, wait!" I say, and grab him. He spins around, and cuts my cheek with his knife. I gasp, and hold my cheek. "I said we're over." He says, and a single tear slips out of his eye, and he runs away.


The love of my life.. Doesn't even believe me.. And he left me... And also hurt me. Physically, and emotionally.

I let tears slip out of my eyes, and I run and get in my car. It's dark out now.

I drive out of the mall parking lot, and start driving. I don't know where to, just somewhere.

I put in my Black Veil Brides, We Stitch These Wounds cd, and put Carolyn on repeat. I'm pretty much speeding, not even paying attention to what I'm doing, being I'm crying my eyes out.

I reach up to wipe my eyes, and as soon as I focus back on the road, I see a huge truck racing towards me. I try to swerve out of the way, but I don't have enough time.

I let out a scream, and the last thing before I blacked out was the thing I love most, and just lost.



My God, why did I do that? Why didn't I believe her? Why did I cut her? I've hurt her in so many ways. I'm so stupid! It's been a day, who knows what she's done! Knowing her past, it makes me nervous.

She could've self harmed big time, or God forbid suicide.

I need to check on her, now.

I sprint towards her apartment building, and as soon as I get there, I run up to the receptionist.

"I'm here to see Mallory Gilley." I say, breathlessly. "I'm sorry, she isn't here. But we've been notified that she's in the hospital, in critical condition." She says, sympathy in her voice. My heart drops, and breaks into a million pieces. "Which one?" I ask, my voice cracking. "The one on Main Street." She answers. I nod, and run out of the building, and towards that hospital.

As soon as I enter the doors, I spot her best friend Savannah sitting in the far corner, sobbing. I walk up to her, and she looks up. "You bastard! You did this to her!" She sobs, slapping me across the face. "What happened? Please, tell me!" I ask. "Car wreck. One of those huge cargo trucks hit her head on." She says, wiping her tears. I feel like I'm going to have a breakdown. "What room?" I ask. "307. 5th floor." She answers.

I run towards the elevator, and hit the fifth floor.

I search for the room number, and soon find it. I open the door, to see the horrific sight.

She's bruised up and badly cut, her head wrapped in a bandage, all kinds of tubes surrounding her, needles in her arms, one of those oxygen masks over her face. And that cut is still on her face. I sit beside her, and grab her nearly lifeless, limp, cold hand.

"Mal... I'm so, so sorry. This is all my fault. I wish I could've stopped it. I'm so stupid, I should've believed you. That should be me laying there nearly dead. That should be me unconscious. You know I still love you, I always will. But when you wake up, I'll stay out of your life forever. I can't bear to hurt you anymore. But while your unconscious, I'll visit you everyday. And if you decide you want to be with me again, you'll find me. One day." I say, tears beginning to fall down my face.

Savannah walks in, and I look up. I let go of Mallory's hand, and stand up, ready to leave.

This is my fault.

She doesn't deserve this.

That should be me laying there.

Mallory, please be okay.



Idk I got bored so I put drama in it and ik it's short sorry okay okay

Aight bye

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