Chapter 4

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I'm seated at my desk, drawing and listening to my music. At the moment, Rebel Love Song by BVB is blasting through my speakers. I hum along to the song, while working on my latest piece: Jeff. I had been up late one night drawing, not really paying attention to what it was, until I had Jeff's face sketched.

My mom was home today, which is extremely rare, of course. And guess what she's doing? Sleeping. Exactly why I'm alone in my room.

The Mortician's Daughter by BVB comes on, and I sing along.

"'I open my lungs, dear
I sing this song at funerals, no rush
And these lyrics sung a thousand times just plush

A baby boy you've held so tightly these pained visits almost nightly
Missing hotel beds I feel your whole touch

I will await, dear
A patience of eternity my crush
A universal still, no rust
No dust will ever grow on this frame
A million years and I will say your name
I love you more than I can ever scream

We booked our flight those years ago
I said I loved you as I left you
Regrets still haunt my hollow head
But I promised you I will see you again, again,'" I trail off.

"You have a beautiful voice," someone says. I look behind me, and see Jeff next to the window. "How long have you been standing there?" I ask. "Long enough to see you moshing to Rebel Love Song. So pretty much, since Famous Last Words ended."
"Oh my God," I mutter. He smirks. "Which should be 'our song'? Rebel Love Song or The Mortician's Daughter? I thought about Die For You, but I like those two better," he says. I shrug, "Don't know. Rebel Love Song because it's more rebel and hardcore being you're a serial killer and I'm a rebel, but The Mortician's Daughter because it's, well... The Mortician's Daughter. It's more sweet and lovey dovey, and that's us. So, maybe both? And also, Rebel Love Song is like a prom song or something, and The Mortician's Daughter is like a wedding song. Two important romantic dates. So I say both," I explain. He nods, "Good point. Hey, Mallory?" He asks. "Yeah?" I reply. "I love you more than I can ever scream," he smirks. I just smile and chuckle. "Damn, you must love me a lot then. Love you too, Jeffy," I smile. "Hey! Don't call me that!" He retaliates, slightly blushing. "Whatever you say, 'Jeffy.'" I laugh. He rolls his eyes. I hear a knock at my bedroom door, and me and Jeff panic. "Closet! Quick!" I violently whisper yell. He runs for the closet, and hides in it. I turn my music off, and go open the door. "What's up, mom?" I say casually. "Who was that that I heard in here?" She asks. "Oh, uhh I was talking to myself!" I say, nervously. "Mallory Leigh, don't lie to me. Who was in here?" She asks strictly. "Um, my friend," I cave in, partially lying. She smirks, "Boyfriend?" "Mom!" I groan. "Aww, my baby's growing up! Invite him over for dinner, I'd like to see my future son in law!" She exclaims. I just roll my eyes, and shut the door as she walks out. Jeff cautiously comes out of the closet, and says "Future son in law?" He asks. "Apparently. Hello, Jeff The Future Husband," I say, playfully. "Why hello, future Mrs. Woods," he says back, in a fancy accent. I giggle. "But seriously. Did you hear her? She said she wanted to meet you! We need to figure something out!" I exclaim. "Your a girl! Give me a makeover or something!" He says, panically.

I look him over, "I'll see what I can do." He sighs, wrapping his arms around me and resting his head on the top of mine. "Thanks, babe." "'Babe'?" I reply, giggling. "What? Isn't that what couples do?" He asks. "Yeah, it's just you've only called me Mallory and Mal, just a change from that," I reply. "Okay. Let's go practice giving you a makeover to see if this works out. Now come on," I say, grabbing his hand and dragging him to the bathroom.

"Sit in that chair in front of the mirror," I order. He sits down, and I then turn on my flat iron. "Whoa, what the fuck are you gonna do to my hair?!" He asks. "Fix it so you don't look like a cat is nesting on your head," I say, as I brush his hair, and begin to straighten it.

"Looks nice," I say when I'm done. "Now, let's get started on the makeup."

I put foundation all over his face, making him look less white/pale. I put some of that stuff that you put on spots on your face and stuff over his scars, covering them up. I take a step back to admire my work. He actually looks like a normal teenage boy. "Now, let's go shopping. And take that bloody hoodie off because we're leaving now," I say. He removes his hoodie, revealing a black t-shirt. I grab my phone and money, and we hop out of my window.


"Okay, first let's go to Hot Topic because I need to get a new pair of jeans," I say as we enter the mall. We ride the escalator up to the second floor, and walk up to Hot Topic. "What size shirt do you wear?" I ask, looking through the Nirvana shirts. "Small in men's," he says while looking at jeans. "What do you wear? Size 00 super skinny?" He asks. I nod my head, and pull out a shirt. I hold it up to him, and nod my head in approval. "We'll go get your other stuff in Hollister or something," I say, walking over to the checkout with the shirt and jeans. I pay for them, and give Jeff the bag, and we walk to Hollister. When we get in there, Jeff just kinda follows me around everywhere. I end up picking him out a pair of black skinny jeans, a few shirts and flannels, and a new hoodie, of course that says Hollister on the front. Once again, I pay for his things, and we walk to Journey's to get some shoes. "Okay. I love your combat boots, but they're old and raggedy. So let's get you some Converse and Vans," I say. "What size shoe do you wear?" I ask. "10," he replies. I pick out a pair of black Converse, black monochrome converse, and black Vans. I pay for them, and then me and Jeff just walk around the mall. "Any store you wanna go to in particular?" I ask him. "Victoria's Secret," he smirks. "No!" I squeak. He just laughs. "Let's go home," he says, "I'm tired."

"Go take a shower," I tell Jeff as soon as we get home. He nods, and walks into my bathroom. As soon as I hear water running, I change into blue skinny jeans, a white tank top, black cardigan, and black flats. I curl my hair, and redo my eyeliner. Jeff comes out of the bathroom, with wet hair, and only a towel wrapped around his waist. I go wide-eyed, and look away, furiously blushing. I see Jeff smirk out of the corner of my eye, and he walks over to my bed. "I picked out clothes for you to where. Get them and go change. In the bathroom," I choke out. He picks up the black skinny jeans along with the black shirt and red and black flannel and black monochrome converse, and walks to the bathroom to change. When he comes out, I drag him back in the bathroom to get him ready for dinner. After about 35 minutes, I'm done.

"Ready?" I ask.

"Not really. But let's do this."





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