Chapter 6

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It's been two days since I've been here with Jeff, and I still haven't unpacked. Well, I'm about to unpack. Jeff went out a while ago, so I figured I would do it while he's gone, because the idiot would distract me the whole time. I sigh, getting up from my place on the couch, and trudge upstairs to my unused bedroom, being I sleep in Jeff's room.

I first put up all of my clothes and stuff, until only my book bag is left. All of my extremely personal things are in that bag. I open it, and pull out the photo album, filled with me and my friends, from kindergarten up until high school graduation. Oh, and did I mention Jeff was the only one to attend that? I pull out a cat collar, that was my first cat's: Mrs. Kitty. She was a small, black cat. She was very sick, and had a rare auto immune disease. She died in my arms when I was ten, because of a seizure. I pull out a necklace that my dad gave me when I was little. It was a gold heart with rubies and diamonds in it. I rarely ever got to see him, due to my mom. I need to visit him, being I'm with Jeff now. I pull out a few of Mrs. Kitty's favorite cat toys, and then one last item, a small black box, containing an item I haven't used since I met Jeff: a razor. (A/N: I DO NOT SELF HARM, I JUST THOUGHT ID ADD THAT.) I first started cutting when I was in middle school, because that's when the bullying started. I got cyber bullied, physically bullied, and verbally. I couldn't get away from it. Not even adults or anyone could help. Not long after, I was diagnosed with Major Depressive Disorder, Bipolar, Social Anxiety, Social Phobia, Paranoia, and Anorexia. To this day, I'm still on appetite stimulators, and Prozac.

I open the black box, seeing the small, shiny, sharp razor. Jeff will never find out about this, it would kill him. I can see him now, finding that razor in my room. He'd cry nonstop, he'd never let me go, literally, just holding me. He'd go on a killing spree, he'd probably go into depression. He himself, may even begin self harm, all because of finding that out. I just pray he doesn't find out, and if he does, he can handle it. I hide the box in the closet. To get that moment out of my head, I turn on music. Carolyn by Black Veil Brides comes on. My favorite. Almost every time I listen to this song, I end up in tears. It perfectly describes my life after meeting Jeff. I actually remember him singing it to me one day when I was really upset.


I was sitting in the corner of my room, sobbing. I was having one of my moments where I just break down. "What's wrong?" I hear Jeff's worried voice. He rushes over, and cradles me in his arms. "I can't take it anymore. I-I can't handle life. T-they just won't leave me alone-e. I-I try my best in life, but I can't take it. I want this pain to end!" I sob into Jeff's arms. "Shh, it's okay. I won't let anyone hurt you anymore. You have me. Do you want me to sing you Carolyn? I know it calms you down," Jeff asks sweetly. I nod, still sobbing. "'You're not alone, and we'll brave this storm, and face today, you're not alone," he sings softly, before continuing the same verse two more times, before stopping. I love his voice, he really is an amazing singer. I stop sobbing, all I'm doing is sniffling now. "I love you," I say quietly. "I love you too," he whispers, still holding me tightly.


I'm laying on my bed, crying while singing along to the song. I turn the music off, and wipe my eyes. Well, I guess I can watch Netflix for the time being. I grab my laptop, and log into Netflix. I decide to watch a few episodes of American Horror Story from Murder House, my favorite season. After a few hours, I switch over to Supernatural. "Whatcha watching?" I hear Jeff say from the doorway. "Supernatural," I say, looking up, finding him covered in blood. I cringe and scrunch my nose. "Go take a shower," I say. "Fine. Wanna join me?" He asks, wiggling his eyebrows. No way am I bathing with you naked. Maybe if we were wearing bathing suits. But you'd try to make things all intimate, and I plan on staying a virgin for a while. So I'll pass," I say. He pouts, and takes off his bloody white hoodie, revealing a black tee shirt. "And wash your clothes. I mean we went to the mall and still all you wear is that," I reply. "Yes, ma'am," Jeff says, walking off.
I smirk at my accomplishment, and continue watching Sam and Dean slay some demons. Lol yaas. Did I really just say that? Oh, how I need help.


"Babe! Come feed your cat! He won't shut up!" I'm jolted awake by Jeff yelling from downstairs. I must've fell asleep while watching Netflix, it appears by the laptop's dead battery. I yawn and stretch, and then plug up my laptop. I lazily get out of bed, and walk downstairs. I fill up Bling's bowls with food and water, and then walk to the living room. I fall on Jeff, and groan, before resting my head on his lap and closing my eyes. I'm so tired, man. Jeff begins playing with my hair, and I get sleepier. Other than Jeff's steady breathing, the only thing I hear is SpongeBob on the TV in the background. I'm so glad I'm not the only one. "If you're tired, just go to sleep, sweetheart. There's no need trying to stay awake. I'll take you to bed when I go to bed," Jeff says soothingly, still playing with my hair. And with that, I doze off.


I'm still asleep, but I wake up enough to know that Jeff is carrying me bridal style upstairs to bed. He rests me in the bed, and covers me up. I open one eye, and see Jeff removing his tee shirt and pants. Is he seriously gonna sleep in his boxers? Honestly, I'm too tired to even care. Jeff crawls into bed, and I scoot over, and cling to him like a human teddy bear. He wraps his arms around me, pulling me closer, and with that, I fall into a deep, peaceful sleep.



has anyone else noticed that i sleep a lot

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