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Okay so sometimes I write fanfic for my own entertainment, and don't even publish. I've been writing on two different Black Butler fanfics, and I'm thinking about publishing one.

Okay, so the first one is about yours truly becoming a maid at the Phantomhive Manor, and Mr. Sebastian the Demon (tbh I call him that sometimes) catches feelings and shit, and well you obvi got an idea of what happens. And tbh I got that based on a dream I had.

The second one I really haven't wrote much of, but three characters from Black Butler (Sebastian the demon butler from the Phantomhive manor, Claude the demon that I highly dislike from the Trancy Manor, and Grell the reaper) end up in my living room. The farthest I've gotten is I knock Claude out with a baseball bat and I stalk Sebastian while he's unconscious bc they were all passed out when they ended up in my house.

So I guess let me know whether you want me to publish one or not, and if so, which one. K thanks bye.

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