Chapter 7

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I stare at Mallory's sleeping form, just wondering how anyone can be so beautiful. The early morning sun shining through the window makes her pale skin glow. Her long brown hair falls perfectly around her face, the few light freckles scattered across her cheeks and the bridge of her nose making her look absolutely adorable. I can't even describe how much I love her. I've never loved anyone like this, she's my first, and true love. The first time I saw her in the woods, I was already head over heels for her. And that's why I believe in love at first sight, because it was that way with me and her. Her small, skinny frame shivers in her sleep, and I pull her close to me, keeping her warm. I stroke Mal's hair, and then her cat jumps up on the bed. "Hey there, buddy. Come here," I beckon the fat tabby while still stroking her hair. At the sight of me touching Mal, the cat growls, and lunges for my face. I let out a girlish scream, and block my face. The cat lands on my hands, and begins biting them, while trying to scratch my face. "Stop it, you demon creature!" I yell. "What the fuck is going on?" I hear Mallory grumble, waking up. She sits up, grabs the devil with fur, and cradles the cat, trying to calm him down. "That little fuckboy tried to kill me, is what's going on," I mutter. She giggles, "Fuckboy? He's been fixed. And he doesn't flirt with girl kitties." "Whatever. He still tried to commit homicide," I scoff. She just laughs, shaking her head. She sits the cat on the floor, and reluctantly gets out of the bed. "I'm going to the bathroom. I'll be right back," she says, before walking to the bathroom and shutting the door.

Moments later, I hear her say "Shit." Is she okay? "Jeff, we need to go to the store!" I hear her yell. I walk over to the bathroom door, and she walks out. "What's wrong?" I ask. "Girl problems," she mutters, walking past me. Wait... "You're on your period?!" I shriek. She turns around, giving me an annoyed, knowing look. "No, I'm vomiting up jellybeans." Okay then... "Anyways, can you go get me the stuff? I don't really feel like going out," she asks. "Of course! Yeah sure." I say. I walk over to my dresser, and pull out a pair of black skinny jeans and a black shirt. I put them on, and slip on my black Vans. "I'll be back in twenty," I say, and walk out the door. Well this is going to be awkward as fuck...

I walk over to the feminine products in WalMart. Oh God, what should I get her? I wouldn't freaking know, I'm a guy, and she's my first girlfriend. Shrugging, I pick up a box of tampons, hoping she doesn't shove them down my throat for buying the wrong thing. While in the store, I pick up a bunch of junk food and chocolate. Before leaving, I get one last thing. I pay for the items, and the man gives me an odd look when scanning the girl thing. I roll my eyes, "I have a girlfriend, dumbass," I snap. I grab the bags of things, and walk home.

"I'm back!" I yell when I enter the door. Mallory hops down the stairs, now wearing black sweatpants and my hoodie. I hand her the bag, and she looks in it. She smirks. "How'd you know? Same brand and everything I always get. You're the best boyfriend ever. Thanks lots," she smiles, standing on her tip-toes and kisses me on the cheek, before running off, where I'm guessing she's gonna put one of those things on. I sigh, grabbing the WalMart bags, and walking up to our bedroom.


I look at the scene I created in front of me. I wanted to do something special for Mallory. I don't know why, but I just felt like it. I actually made up the bed for once today. The bed is covered in rose petals, in a heart shape, and in the middle of it, I put M+J. There are cotton candy scented candles on each side of the bed, and there's lots of chocolate and junk food in the corner of the room. I smile at my work, and go downstairs to get Mal. When I walk into the living room, I see her still in my hoodie, but now changed into a pair of comfortable shorts. She's watching a horror movie, Saw I think. She laughs at how stupid the people are, and I smile at her. "Hey, um, I'm going to bed, goodnight," I say. She turns around. "Okay. I'll be up in a second. Just let me turn the TV off and stuff," she says, before throwing her hair into a messy bun, and turning the TV off. I run upstairs, and quickly take off my shirt, and change into a pair of sweatpants. What? It's not like I'm trying to seduce her. Lie. That's exactly what I'm doing.


I turn the TV and lights off, and head upstairs. I hear Jeff rummaging around in our room, probably getting ready for bed. I open the door, and gasp at the sight in front of me. Jeff is sitting cross legged on the ground at the foot of the bed. There are rose petals on the bed, and everything is just romantic. "Jeff.." I'm at a loss for words. He blushes, "I don't know. I just felt like doing something special for you. I thought you might like it, soo..." Jeff stands up, and I notice he's shirtless. My mouth gapes open, and no matter how hard I try not to, I can't stop staring. Holy shit! He has abs and everything, that is just.. one attractive sight. Jeff smirks. "Can't stop staring can you?" I look away. "I wouldn't have to if you weren't so damn hot," I mutter under my breath so Jeff wouldn't hear. "What was that?" He asks tauntingly. "Nothing," I answer immediately. "Mallory Leigh, what did you say under your breath just now?" My gosh, he isn't gonna let this go. "I said you were hot," I whisper. "You said what?" He's seriously doing this, isn't he? "I said you were hot! How many times to I have to repeat myself?!" I yell, furiously blushing a deep shade of red. He smirks, flipping his hair. "You're sexy when you're embarrassed," he says. Oh no... I cover my face with my hands. Jeff walks over to me, and wraps his arms around me. "Don't act so surprised, babe," he says in a low voice. I look up. "I-I I-" I stutter, at a loss for words. He presses a finger against my lips, and shushes me, before kissing me. After a moment I kiss back, and Jeff deepens it. He walks back, taking me with him, before his legs hit the back of the bed. Oh no, where is this going? I plan on remaining innocent at least until I'm eighteen! He can wait one more month for this. He falls back on the bed, and then spins us around, so he's on top of me. I just stay still, wide eyed, as he kisses behind my ear and on my neck. He stops for a minute, and just admires my face. He leans back down, leaving a gentle kiss on my lips. His hands travel down to the hem of his hoodie that I'm wearing, and lifts it up and over my head. Thank God I'm wearing a tank top. "As much as you look hot in my hoodie, let's take it off for now." He says in a low voice. He kisses my cheek, before reaching for the hem of my tank top. I squeal, and he looks up at me. "You're beautiful. And I love you. And it's not like I'm gonna take your bra and pants off too. Of course unless you want me to," he says, wiggling his eyebrows. I furiously shake my head, and he chuckles, and in one swift movement, the tank top I was once wearing is no longer covering me. Consciously, I immediately cover myself up. Jeff reaches for my arms, and moves them. "Hey. Don't be self conscious. You're perfect," he says in a calm voice. I slowly nod, and then he begins kissing me again. His hands travel around my body, and I whimper and begin to slightly shake. "I won't make you do anything until you're ready, okay? If you want me to stop, I will. I understand you wanting to wait a while. I won't push you into anything," he says. He reaches for my tank top, and puts it back on me, as well as the hoodie. I sit up, and lean into his chest. He holds me, and we just sit there for a few minutes, without saying anything. After a while, I eventually fall asleep right there. All I remember is Jeff getting up and blowing out the candles, before tucking me in and climbing into bed himself, him holding me close to him, and telling me how much he loves me.




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