Chapter 2

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"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" Perfect Weapon by Black Veil Brides blasts through my alarm clock, waking me up. As much as I love this song, I turn it off, and sit up, rubbing my eyes. When my vision adjusts, which is terrible I might add, I see a figure sitting criss-crossed at the foot of my bed. Jeff. "Hi, underwear stalker," I say. "Hello and good morning," he replies with a small smile. "So why were you watching me sleep?" I ask. "Waiting for you to wake up." he replies simply. I nod my head. "Another question. Why were you looking through my drawers?" I ask, curious as to why he was creeping. He shrugs, "Got bored."

"Umm, okay, then," I say. He smirks. "You don't talk much do you?" He asks. I shrug my shoulders, "Not really. I only have a few friends and I don't have a social life, not to mention I'm awkward, weird, and apparently scary." "Well I learned that much from your alarm clock. Black Veil Brides, right?" He asks. "Yeah, you like them?"

"Yeah, they're alright, but they're not my all time favorite."

"What's you're favorite band, then?" I ask.

"Nirvana. You?"

"I love Nirvana, too. And Black Veil Brides is my favorite."

"Cool," he shifts on the bed, "So tell me about yourself." "Well, there's really not that much to my story, but okay. Umm my parents got divorced when I was four because my dad was an alcoholic, and I hardly see my mom because she's either working or at her boyfriend's house. Umm I'm in band and 1st chair for clarinet, and I'm in choir or whatever you call it, TheatreArts, Performing Arts, whatever. Umm I can draw too, I like cats, hate people, and of course I listen to heavy metal and punk rock," I say. "Oh. Sorry about your dad," he says, sympathetically. "It's fine. So tell me about your story," I reply.

"Okay. So I kill people. And my name is Jeff Woods, or Jeff The Killer. The end," he says. I laugh at the shortness and playfulness he says it in. He raises an eyebrow at me, and I just flip him off. He smirks, leaning back. "Okay. Get out so I can go take a shower and get dressed. I'll see you later, Jeff The Creeper," I say, waving him off. He walks over to my window, and before jumping out, he says "See ya around, Mallory The Unicorn Stripper."

I sigh, walking over to the window, closing and locking it so he can't get back in and do more stalking. I walk over to my closet, and pick out a black tank top, black skinny jeans, and a red and black plaid flannel. I walk over to my drawer, and get out my undergarments, (Jeff cough cough). I walk to my bathroom, and shut and lock the door.

*skips shower*

I put on my clothes, and then brush my teeth and straighten my hair, teasing it lightly. I put in my silver nose ring, and a pair of Batman earrings, silver ball earrings, and a diamond in my cartilage. I put on my black monochrome high top converse, and then start on my makeup. I put on eyeliner doing the cat eye look, and lots of mascara. I put on some lip gloss, and then I'm ready. I open the door and walk back into my room. I walk over to my desk, looking through my artwork, trying to find my latest project. Where the heck is it? I swear if Jeff took it, he's gonna be the one to go to sleep next.

"Square up!" I hear a voice say from behind me. I scream, my hand going straight up to my chest. I turn around to face the intruder. "What the hell, Savannah?!" I yell at my best friend. She just laughs. "How did you even get in here?" I ask. "I climbed up in the tree next to your window and threw a potato at the lock and it clicked open. Your windows are, like, ancient, so it was pretty easy to get in," she explains, and then hands me the tool, or should I say, potato. "Why didn't you just come in through the front door?" I ask. Her face falls. "Oh. I never thought about that. Oh well. Anyways, I came to pick you up. We're going to see Unfriended, remember? And then I was staying over with you," she says. Realization hits me. "Oh! Oh yeah, just let me grab my phone and money," I say, running over to my nightstand to grab my phone. I shove it in my back pocket, and then grab my Gir change purse thing out of my book bag. "Ready," I say, and then follow Savannah out the door. I follow her over to her grandma's minivan parked out in the driveway, and she unlocks the door. I hop in the passenger's seat, and buckle my seatbelt. While waiting for her to get settled in, I see Jeff hiding in the bushes next to the front porch. I roll my eyes. Stalker.


"That movie was so scary!" Savannah exclaims as we walk out the doors of the movie theater. I roll my eyes, "You've got to be bullshitting me. It wasn't scary. Sure, it was good, but nothing to make me scream or get scared." "You're crazy," she says. "Thanks."

As soon as we got home, Savannah's aunt was in the driveway. She came to pick her up, saying she had to leave because of family issues. Too bad, we would've had fun.

"Where's your friend?" I hear Jeff ask. I didn't even know he was in here. "Had to go. Oh well. Guess I'll be a loner tonight. As always. I always am," I say, muttering the last part. "Hey, don't say that. You're not a loner. I mean you have Savannah, maybe a few other friends, and you have me, your number one stalker," he says, trying to lighten the mood. "Jeff, can I ask you something?" I ask. "Sure."

"Why didn't you kill me that night?" I ask.

"Because I don't hate you and I don't not like you," he says casually.

"Why do you like me then?" I ask, crossing my arms. He looks up, looking me dead in the eyes. "You're different. I mean you're not scared of me for one. You're smart, funny, brave, sweet, kind, and beautiful."

"I'm not beautiful. I'm pretty ugly," I retort, looking down at the ground.

"Hey," he says, walking closer to me, and lifts my chin up, forcing me to look at him. "Don't say that ever again. You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. You're perfect to me in every single way. And you wanna know why I didn't kill you and why I said that? Because I like you. I like you more than a friend, Mallory," he says, looking me in the eyes. I stand there stunned. Jeff begins to lean in closer to my face, and I know what's about to happen. I don't back away nor lean in as well, I just sit there waiting for the contact. I shut my eyes, and feel his lips press against mine softly. You'd think his lips would be all chapped, but they're really soft. After a moment, I miss back, copying his motions. After a while we pull back, and continue to stare at each other.

"I- I like you too."




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