2/ Lucifer?

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Lucifer / SHINee

Jae Hee POV~

"She's here." Onew announced.

"Jae~" Minho said sweetly. I whimpered, every time he say my name so sweetly, my gut says something is gonna happen.

"So... Taemin here says that you have been hanging out with Jungkook and Jin a lot, huh?" Minho asked.

That backstabber. I glared at him, and he sneered. Minho noticing our war, snapped his fingers, capturing our attention.

We both looked at him, and he gestured to Taemin to ask him to come over. He whispered something to Taemin, and left the room with Key, Jonghyun and Onew.

Alone with Taemin in the room, I felt a growing sense of uneasiness. He came closer and closer to me.

"What do you want?" I asked, my voice trembling.

"You." Taemin said creepily. He pushed down to the floor and pulled my hair. Hard. He then rained punches in my body and pinned me against the wall and slapped me hard. I was petrified, unable to move. Feebly, I gave his nose a weak punch. He flicked my hand away and hissed, "You bi***, Minho wants this to happen to you. Slut." He wiped blood from his lip, and walked away from the room as if nothing happened. I heard the door lock, and broke down.

"Open the door, please. Please..." I cried and hit the door with the remaining strength I have. Soon, darkness took over and I couldn't hear anything.

Jungkook POV~

After Jae Hee left with that creepy guy, my heart felt as if it was crushed with something heavy like a stone.

Something bad is happening. I can feel it. Those bruises..

There was something she isn't telling me, something that had to do with her boyfriend, that Minho.

I trudged back to the classroom half heartedly. Jin was sitting at my seat, a dozen of girls crowding him.

"Oppa~" Hana crooned. Oppa? She is older than me, the hell.

"Who's your oppa? You are my noona." I said cruelly. Her face fell, and was replaced with shock. The class erupted into laughter at my sentence. Her face turned bright red like her lipstick slathered lips, and she fled out of the classroom, her two handmaidens following.

As I walked towards Jin, the crowd of girls parted automatically, even they knew I was in a bad mood, that Hana deserved it, who asked her to slap Jae.

"Move away, hyung." I said monotone.

"Come with me." Jin grabbed my hand, and dragged me out of the classroom.

"What!?" I pulled away, growling.

"Tell me." Jin folded his arms, and stared at me. He is not gonna move until I tell him, that stubborn hyung.

Sighing, I poured everything out.

Just that moment, that jerk Taemin returned to class, hair disheveled, and lip bleeding.

Suddenly, I thought of Jae. I strode towards Taemin and pulled his shirt roughly, " Where's Jae? Tell me now!"

He sneered and pushed my hand away. "What does it have to do with you?"

A low growl erupting from my throat, I threw myself towards Taemin, and punched him hard. If Jin didn't pull me off, I swear he is already dead.

Dusting my shirt off, I walked towards the direction that he came from.

"Jae? Where are you? Jungkook here. Kwon Jae Hee!!" I shouted nervously. If anything happened to her, I will never forgive myself.

"Please..." Someone said softly. Is it Jae? I ran forward. Sh*t! The door's locked. I rattled the door knob hard, and at the last try, I kicked the door hard. Just beside the door was Jae, breathing only slightly, her face deathly pale, only with purple bruises on it.

I lifted her up gently, and brushed her hair from her face, and lightly patted it, "Jae?"

Her whole body felt cold. Oh no. Carrying her light body, bridal style, I ran to the office panting.

"Ahjumma!" I shouted for the office matron, Mdm Kim. She came rushing over, gold glasses glinting.

"Help Jae, please..." I asked, fearing for her.

"Carry her into the bed please." Mdm Kim requested.

I lifted her up onto the bed, and tucked her tightly, so she will feel warm. Her face was feverish, and she started muttering nonsense. I held her hand, and murmured that she's gonna be fine.

"She's fine, she is just exhausted, give her plenty of rest, as for the bruises... " Mdm Kim broke off half way awkwardly.

I nodded and thanked her.

"I'll get you a pass." She winked at me, and went off.

Holding Jae's cold hands, I brushed her hair from her face and kissed her forehead out of impulse.

"What do you think you are doing?" A cool voice said behind me.

I turned to see Minho glaring at me.

"Kissing her forehead?" I replied, smirking.

"Get away from her. Now." His voice said with authority.

I moved away from the bed, and bursted out what I have ever wanted to say,"Why should I? Look at the way you treat Jae. She have never smiled truly ever since she ended up with you!"

"Minho? Jungkook?" A soft voice concluded the end of my emotional speech.

"Jae Hee-ah , Don't worry I am here." Minho pushed past me, and stroked her hair gently, sneering at me.

I left quietly.


I have updated. Enjoy my story! 😁

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