14//Come to Me//

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Not but five minutes had gone by when my phone started ringing again.

"I said to not call me anymore."

"And yet you continue to pick up the phone. Come to me, little sister. Be with us, join us. See that glass right in front of you? All you have to do is break it against the counter and slit your throat. Easy peasy. Then we can be a family again. We can be happy"


"Little sister. Please come to me."

I then hung up the phone, unable to hear such horrible things in my dead sister's false voice a second longer. I don't know who or what it actually is. But that fucker isn't my Constance. She would never say those things. Never. 

Bing Bing.

I looked down at my phone and opened up the message I just received. It said:

"Come to me. Come to me. Come to me. Come to me. Come to me.

Come to me. Come to me. Come to me. Come to me. Come to me.

Come to me. Come to me. Come to me. Come to me. Come to me.

Come to me. Come to me. Come to me. Come to me. Come to me.

Come to me. Come to me. Come to me. Come to me. Come to me.

Come to me. Come to me. Come to me. Come to me. Come to me.

Come to me. Come to me. Come to me. Come to me. Come to me.

Come to me. Come to me. Come to me. Come to me. Come to me.

Then at the bottom, a window popped up saying something about the message having to be split up because it was so long. I then received two more saying the exact same thing. I need to go find Dean; this shit is too weird,  it must have something to do with their case.


"It was very nice meeting you, Rob."

"My name is Bob."

"Right, Bob. But I have to go to my friend now, bye Bobert!"


"Sorry!" I say running towards Winnie.

"We have to get out of here."

"You're telling me. Let's go."

We were so close to the door when Rob or Bob or whoever the fuck, he gets in my way.

"I don't think I got a proper welcome from you. What did you say your name was?" Okay, Bob was becoming creepy.

"Fuck off McFeely, we're leaving," Winnie yells but some guy grabs hold of both of her arms, pushing them down. I grab her hand, too terrified to do anything else. Bob goes for my hand but I pull away fast, he goes to grab my hair when I hear a pop. I don't recall what exactly happened (because I closed my eyes) but somehow I was not in the place I should have been. Which, of course, made me panic thinking I left Winnie there, but she was still beside me, holding my hand.  What I didn't pay attention to was the fact that we appeared in the back of some car, which was moving might I add. 

At least I'm getting better at this, well without controlling it.


Well as it turns out we ended up in a rental or maybe a stolen car that Sam needed for the day. The lovely boy was currently staring so heavily at the car in front of us that he hadn't even noticed the two figures that just materialized in his back seat.

"Hey Sam, don't freak out!" I say to him holding up my hands in an attempt to stop him from crashing us into a nearby tree.

Of course, Sam abruptly turns around almost hitting the car he was observing not too long ago. He slams on his breaks, and then proceeds at the green light, commencing into a spout of yelling.

"What do you think you are doing Rose!? Why in the world would you just appear in someone's backseat like that! I could have died! Better yet I could have killed you guys! Oh hey Winnie, how's it going?"

"Fan- fucking- tastic"

"Great. But honestly Rosa you need to get a hold on this thing because it's becoming dangerous for everyone."

I started to feel tears sting my eyes, so I turned away and stared out the window; I hate how easily I cry.

"You done?" Winnie asked from my right.

"Uh, yeah I think so," Sam answered looking from Winnie to me and then back to Winnie.

"Oh, are you going to take a breather and stop being a complete dick for a bit? How the fuck is someone supposed to control something that they have no idea about? Because honestly throughout that whole stupid rant all I heard was 'blah, blah, blah. I'm an asshole!' Stop being so high and mighty Samuel, because it doesn't suit you."

Sam gave the puppy eyes and then looked towards me; I didn't want to feel bad for him because he did yell at me so I looked away.

"Oh put those god damn puppy dog eyes away, you'd think I just clubbed a fucking baby seal in front of a Kindergarten class. There is business to be discussed, Sammy boy. We have a problem."


I explained to Sam what the problem was and he confirmed that it was exactly like the case they were working on. Turns out that the thing they are hunting is a scavenger called the Crocata; it lures people into the dark and steals their souls. The Crocata live in filth, such as fly-infested flea traps like the one they visited a day or so ago at the telephone company; so he was going to check it out now. Guess we're joining him.


We arrived and headed towards the part of the building where the smelly guy worked. We glanced in the window and saw a guy eating pizza and doing something on the computer. There was a noise coming from upstairs so Winnie offered to go check it out.

"Don't do anything stupid," Sam said seriously, but she just flipped him off. We ran back the other way because the guy started to head out.

Hiding behind a van, Sam pulls out his phone and dials a number.

"Dean, we're in the parking lot. He's here; hurry."

Sam runs up behind the guy just as he starts to unlock his vehicle, and while pulling out a metal pointy thing he pushes him up against his car and starts yelling at him. I am just about to run and help when an arm snakes around my middle and a cloth-covered hand closes over my mouth and nose. I try not to breathe in what I know will knock me out but I couldn't help it, I needed to breathe at some point. I keep struggling but I eventually start seeing black and then the world goes dark.


"So that last call with Dean that was you." I start coming around when I hear Sam's voice.

"Some calls I make, some calls I take. But, you have to admit I had you fooled for a while with all that Edison phone crap. Found Dean's number, then your number, then your father's numbers. And e-mails, voice mails, everything. You see people think that that stuff just gets erased, but it doesn't. You'd be surprised about how much of yourself is just floating out there waiting to be plucked. Technology makes life so much easier. Used to be, I'd hide in the woods for days, weeks, whispering to people trying to draw them out into the night but they had a community. They all looked out after each other. I'd be lucky to eat maybe one, two souls, a year. But, now when I'm hungry all I have to do is make a phone call. You're all so connected. But, you've never been so alone."

I blink and try to clear away the fog, it was quite blurry but I could almost make out things around the room. Like the dead body in the chair across from Sam. Wait a minute that was the guy that Sam thought was the Crocata. Sam is tied up and glaring at the man walking away from the scruffy-looking guy, slumped over in his chair. He looked in dire need of a shower, but I suppose it wouldn't do him any good now...

I quietly try to twist my wrists out of the binds that were currently holding them together but it was no use, they were tied too tightly.


Thanks for reading :)

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