12- Caught part 2

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Dedicated to Jerrekaaa

Chapter 13

"Hello" I said harsly as I broke them apart. Michael dropped his arms from her quickly while Alice engulfed me into a hug.

"Oh Stevie I didn't know you were here. I thought you didn't come to Michael games?" Alice asked as she pulled away. I wanted to slap that stupid ass smile right off her face.

"Well I am his girlfriend so I decided to come, and this is a practice not a game." I said giving her an intimidated look.

"Well we're just talking about the carnival and it being cancelled and everything." Alice reassured me.

"Oh really," I asked folding my arms as my eyes drifted over to Michael.

"That seems interesting." Not once my eyes left his ass.

I'm just going to be honest. I don't trust this bitch Alice. I understand she's dating Jesse but I don't trust her.

"Well I should get going my friends waiting for me. I guess I'll see you two around." Alice waved before walking off.

I turned my focus back on Michael watching very carefully waiting to see what bullshit he'll spit at me.

The rain started to pick up and the wind was blowing like crazy in the hallway.

"Come on, we better go it's getting worst out here." He tugged my sleeve before he started walking off. I began following after him.

He walked me over to my car and opening my door. His face was blank and I couldn't tell what he was thinking.

"Don't think we're not going to have this conversation, Michael." I reminded him closing my own car door.

He might not want to have this conversation but we will. Alice and him hugged like they were long time friends. I might be overreacting but i don't care. I just want to get this conversation over with so I can get out of this storm and get to Jesse house safely.

"UGH!" I scream out in the car. "Why does everything have to be so. . . UGH! The rain begin to sound like hail on my windshield. It was getting harder by the second and I was struggling to see the headlights of Michael car.

So what you think going to happen when they get to Michael house?
I can't wait to see!

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Yours Truly
Ash Jojo

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