Chapter 12

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It's been 2 days since summer had her crazy moment and made tomoe and owl man mad... She's not fine if you think she is owl man hurt her but I got him back by pushing him out the window, akura ou seen it all but he said he wouldn't tell anyone and he's been wanting to do that for a while now.

We're in a room now with me in the corner with headphones in, winter in another corner writing something in a book she has cough cough loser, summers in the middle of the floor colouring a picture in a colouring book I found in my bag along with some crayons I found in there too, and tomoe and akura ou were at the far in of the room having a nice old decision on I don't care what I wasn't paying attention so yeah. " this day is so BORING" summer said "why can't we leave and go somewhere" she added "you can go somewhere we're not gonna stop you" tomoe said "really ok come on winter and Rose" summer said dragging us out, literally dragging us out the door "ahhhh the air" summer said rolling on the ground "let's go to the beach" summer suggested "ok" me and winter said, we were then dragged back inside to find something to wear at the beach which we did and we also got the guys to come too... Took a lot of convening but we did it now we're on our way to the beach.

When we got there summer was screaming nonsense and going completely insane while me and winter went to clam her down, the boys sat under an umbrella "let's go swimming" summer yelled "no I can't swim" I said "ok come on winter me and you go swimming" summer said dragging her sister in the water with her I walked over to the guys "hey why ain't you swimming" akura ou asked "I can't swim" I said not at all scared he would make fun of me for it "ok" was all he said before getting up and coming over to me "what are you do-" I was cut off by akura ou picking me up and heading towards the water "AHHH NO PUT ME DOWN" I screamed at him "no" was what he said before dropping me in the water "AHHH FRUIT BASKET I HATE YOU" I said trying to keep myself a float "Rose" akura ou said "WHAT" I yelled "your swimming towards me" he said with a smile "really I never noticed" I said happy that I can swim "well if you wasn't screaming at me you would have noticed" akura ou said "haha how I stop" I asked which caused summer, winter and akura ou to face palm themselves "really Rose" all of them said "yes really" I said "stand up" summer said I did as she said and yeah now I feel stupid "wow now I feel stupid" I said "yeah but on the bright side you can swim now thanks to me" akura ou said "THANKS TO YOU if I didn't swim I would have drowned" I said/yelled at him "no I would have went to help you so shut up woman" he said "fine" I said.

We got out of the water and walked over to tomoe who was watching it all while laughing at me for being so stupid "haha it's so funny isn't it" I said getting a bucket full of water from the ocean "yes very... What are you gonna do with-" he was cut off by me throwing the water at him "haha now that was funny" I said "oh really come here and give me a hug" tomoe said while walking towards me "no your gonna pick me up and throw me in the water" I said running away from him "no I won't I wants a hug" he kept walking or should I say he started running after me "AHHH" I screamed as I was left off the ground and thrown in the water "payback" was that he said before walking away "cow" I mumbled under my breath well walking to the shore he didn't throw me far enough "that was very nice" I said while walking up to them.

As summer was making a sand castle after burying me in the sand telling me that if I got up she would cut me so yeah I'm in the sand. The sky got dark and I mean it got dark "WHAT THE HECK ITS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE DAY" summer yelled "SUMMER CAN I GET UP NOW" I yelled at summer "YES" she yelled back "WHAT IS WITH ALL THE YELLING" a voice said from over by the ocean we all look over to see...
Tell me what ya think thanks

Into the past ( akura ou x OC) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now