Chapter 7

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The song I picked was redneck crazy by Tyler Farr my second favourite song. I put this song on and started singing and dancing to it, I don't care I love this song "gonna drive like hell through your neighbourhood park this Silverado on your front lawn crank up a little hank sit on the hood and drink I'm about to get me pissed off on I'm gonna aim my headlights lights into your bedroom windows throw empty beer cans at both of your shadows i didn't come here to start a fight but I'm up for anything to night you know you broke the wrong heart baby and drove me redneck crazy wish I knew how long it's been going on how long you been getting some on the side no he can't amount to much by the look of that little truck well he won't be getting any sleep tonight I'm gonna aim my headlights into your bedroom windows throw empty beer cans at both of your shadows I didn't come here to start a fight but I'm up for anything tonight you know you broke the wrong heart baby and drove me redneck crazy did you think I'd wish you both the best, endless love and happiness you know that's just not the kind of man I am I'm I kind that shows up at your house at 3 am I'm gonna aim my headlights into bedroom windows throw empty beer cans at both of your shadows I didn't come here to start a fight but I'm up for anything tonight you gone you broke the wrong heart baby and drove me redneck crazy you drove me redneck crazy" by the middle of the song I took akura ou and made him dance with me.

When I was done he gave me my phone so I took off the music "so?" I asked "so what?" akura ou asked "haha how ya like the song?" I asked "good but" he said "but?" I asked "he seem pissed at the girl just because she broke up with him" akura ou said I started laughing "well that's only because... well she never really broke up with him it's just saying that... well he's mad because he finds out she was cheating on him in the past and that's the reason they broke up so he's mad or as you said pissed off" I tried explaining it "oh well she shouldn't have cheated on him in the first place... Why go out with him? It makes no sense I'll never understand humans" akura ou said more like complained about it "haha really is that what you would do?" I asked "no if I didn't like the person I wouldn't ask them to go out or go out with them" he said "so if you was going out with someone you would be a loyal boyfriend?" I asked looking all confused "yes I would... Why all these questions Rose?" He asked "oh no reason just clarifying things" I said. Just then the door flew open "WE'RE BACK!" Summer yelled "oh did we interrupt something" she said with a big grin on her face "no" both me and akura ou said looking at them "ok sure" summer said "YOU COWS YOU LEFT ME TO GET FOOD IM STARVING COW PIE!" I yelled at summer, winter and tomoe "CLAM DOWN WE BROUGHT YOU BOTH BACK SOME FOOD!" Winter yelled while throwing the food in my face "FOOD" I yelled and started eating my food.

After we was done I went in the bathroom and changed in my night shorts and t-shirt. When I got out summer and winter went in to change "so what we doing" I asked "sleep" tomoe said as if what I said was a stupid question "Awww but I'm not tried" I said "fine what is it that you 3 do when your together" tomoe asked, just then summer comes in screaming "TRUTH OR DARE" while winter is behind her screaming "NOOOO" "OK truth or dare it is" I said everyone looked at me like who died and made you queen "what's truth or dare?" Tomoe and akura ou asked "oh my dear friends you haven't lived until you played truth or dare" I said.

Into the past ( akura ou x OC) #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now