Ashton was out training on the other side of the pack house running laps across the track field. Ava was inside the house relaxing since she was Luna and didn't actually have to do anything if she didn't want to.

Tyler....... I really didn't know where he was, the two Alphas usually went somewhere together to create a stupid bond to help the packs grow a bond. If the Alphas liked each other, then hypothetically the packs would too.

But I knew that we would never be a team, no matter how close we were pulled together. I had a horrid history with the Moonstone Pack. It was clear they still believed that I was weak.

Weak. I hated that word.

By the end of the day, the Moonstones had mastered how to hold a fist which I guessed helped them with combat a bit better. Still though, it wasn't up to my standards or the standards of any hunters if they decided to attack. It would be too easy with for them with these idiots.

It was around sundown when I finally grew restless with the Moonstone Pack's behaviour. The sky was now illuminated in shades of oranges, yellow and purple — a view I would've enjoyed if it weren't for the people I was stuck with.

"Alright guys let's go back in and eat." I said as I shooed everyone from the field. The orange sun created an eerie glow on the windows of the Pack house about a mile in the distance.

A twig snapped from behind me and I stopped short. I spun around, eyeing the woods behind us. It was a bunch of trees and thick shrubbery that surrounded The Nightshade Pack house, and one could barely see past the thick layer of trees.

Our fields were clear of any twigs and trees, just an open area designed for training. Considering how werewolves rarely attacked another pack, it had to have been hunters.

I held out a hand at my training group, and surprisingly they simultaneously stopped talking — for once.

Not a moment later, two wolves appeared from behind the thick tree line. My shoulders slackened in relief when I saw that there were only rogues, and not hunters. The two black wolves growled at me, their lips twisted into a revolting snarl, eyeing me with their captivating green eyes.

Within seconds I had shifted into my Snow White wolf form. Members of the Moonstone Pack gasped. During my time with them, I'd never once mentioned it.

A white wolf was rare, only around ten in our species, and I was one of them. White wolves were stronger and faster; apparently our combat skills were superior and there were a lot of other sweet advantages — being white furred was just one of them. I'd heard stories of white wolves with lilac irises, which I envied.

Back in the ancient times, others tried to find out what type of DNA on our chromosomes had altered us into being white and genetically, so much more powerful. They tortured and bred us with other wolves as research, but no such luck. Therefore, almost all white wolves have been killed, the population almost extinct.

When Tyler had first told me I was disgusted, and maybe a tiny bit weirded out that I happened to actually be a white wolf. There was finally something special about me that my old pack members could envy. That everyone could envy, but I'd learned that it didn't take much effort for people to be jealous. One just had to be happy with themselves and others seemed to envy them.

I smirked to myself — since no one could see it as I was a wolf, and lingered for the rogue to attack first.

When they finally did, I dodged to the side swiftly and and tackled the first one, keeping a paw on them to hold them down. It growled at me, it's mouth snapping open and closed in attempt to bite at me.

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