Stand By Me

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- Madison is always the new girl in town

- The girl almost always saves one of the boys from Ace's super saiyan wrath.

I'm pretty sure that he's not going to take orders from you, you little 12 year old nugget

- The author always describes the boys as the tall skinny one, the one with the white shirt, the one with glasses, blonde hair and messed up ear, and then the fat one.

- Poor ol Vern never gets fanfics about him.


- Even though it was taken place in the 50s-60s people are still picking 21st century names.

"Hi boy with the white t-shirt, my name is Abby."

yeah okAY

- If it's a Chris fanfic, Madison always has to be twins with Gordie.

-She always runs away and finds the treehouse but has no respect for self property so she just walks in like she owns the place.

- She stays in the tree house over night and one of the boys finds her in there and doesn't even question her.

He's all like "Hello, welcome to casa de Clubhouse. I'm so glad that we found you here, would you like to marry all four of us and become our queen?"

Gtfo, Teddy.

- Ace always pops out of no where.

Are you a wizard?!?!

- She's always a tomboy

Okay, lookie here bud, haven't you ever heard of girly girls who wear flats and cute tees instead of boy shirts and jeans with converse?

Yeah, I thought not.

- If it's a Vern fanfic-


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