Chapter Two

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(Arabella & Alex above)
Five Years Later

The sound of my mischievous Twins whispering made me open my eyes. I smirked when I felt the bed dip in lightly behind me. I spun around and wrapped my arms around the two squirming forms.

"Mommy!" Arabella squealed and smiled at me. She's missing one of her teeth on the bottom row which made her smile that much cuter.

Alexander squirmed out of my hold and starting jumping on my bed. "Wake up, Mommy!"

My heart warmed at the slight of their faces.  It felt like yesterday that I gave birth to my little Alex and Ms. Davis said I had another baby comimg out. I have no idea how I made it through 14 hours of labor.

The whole castle was sworn not to tell anyone outside the castle of my Childern. The Prince and the Princess. Death of the punishment. Very harsh but for my kids I would do anything.

"I'm hungry." Alex whined and stopped jumping. Arabella agreed and gave me a heart stopping pout.

I fake groaned and rolled over. I heard them shuffle around on the bed. Silence.

Before I could move they had jumped on top of me. "Okay! I'm up you animals!" I laugh and gentle move them to the side.

"Can we have pancakes?" Ara asked with wide blue eyes much like my own.

"Chocolate Chip!" Alex put in while swinging his arms. Ara glared at him and shoved him. "Strawberry!" She hissed.

A growl blew up in his chest and he shoved her back causing her to roll off the bed with a angry cry. She flew at him at him but I was faster. "Hey! That is not nice!" I tell the both of them. "Apologize." I tell them with a frown.

"I'm sorry, Ara." Alex says sincerely. I put Ara down and she crossed her arms. "Me too." They hugged it out which a put a huge smile on my face.

Alexander and Arabella are already dressed adorably. Arabella wore a cute jean jacket and black leggings. Alexander wore a white tshirt and dark jeans.

They waited patiently for me to put on my outfit for the day. A peach blouse, blue jeans, and tan strapy heels.

"I want to be beautiful like you, Mommy." Arabella says with a twinkle in her eyes. I scooped her and stared at her seriously.

"You are beautiful, Ara. Never let anyone say otherwise." I grabbed Alexs hand. "And you are the most handsome little boy ever."

He gave me a toothy grin and kissed ny hand like the gentlemen I raised him to be.

"Come on. Let's go get your pancakes."

"Hey can you make pancakes? Chocolate for Alex and Strawberry for Ara." I mind linked Ryan, my best friend, who is my head Chef.

"Sure, Liz. Anything for you?" His deep voice filtered through my mind. He was such a lanky kid and he was a filled out man. If cooking wasn't his passion he would be one of my strongest Soilders.

"Pancakes with chocolate chips and strawberries." My mouth watered at the thought. Ryan's pancakes are sinfully delicious.

"You got it, babe." He chuckled into the link before he cut it off. "Mommy, I have to pee." Ara asked sweetly. I set her down for the second time and she scampered off to my bathroom.

It took five minutes for me to get worried. Did she fall into the toilet?

"Wait here, love." I told Alex who huffed impatiently. I sighed and walked towards the closed bathroom door.

"... I promise. Just come with me." An unfamiliar female voice says. I felt my wolf rise up in curiosity. Is one of the maids in there? I sniffed and a sickly sweet scent hit my nose so hard I flinched.

"The King wants to meet you. He lives in Australia." That's all I had to hear for me to kick open my door.

A red haired women with pink eyes. Fucking witch working for a werewolf king? Unheard of. I snarled and threw myself at her. Arabella scrambled pass me and behind Alex.

The woman tensed but I knocked her to the ground easily. I dragged her up by the neck amd slammed her agaisnt the wall.

"Who else knows? Who told you?" I snarled with fangs.  She smirked causing me to growl. "Your Maid is quite the talker when her mate is on the line." 

She shoves me off. "The secert is out. King Lane is coming. Say goodbye to your kids." She cackled. I snarled in rage and rushed her again punching her in the face over and over.

Guards came rushing in pulled me away.  "Queen please! See To your kids." But the second I let go she chants some words and disappears from sight. I swore and turned away.

"Find her. She can't poof back to King Lane." I growled trying to keep my temper in check. "What do you want us to do with her when w-,"

"I want her killed." I snarled in his face causing him to flinch. My wolf pressed close to the surface snapping. I turned away and snatched my kids up. I only stopped when I reached my spacious office.

He knows. He knows and he his coming for my babies. I whimpered and held them tighter. They hugged me tight too. My wolf snarled at me and I felt her protectiveness.

I am fiercely protective of my pups. Just like any other Female. Arabella could've been gone and I wouldn't have known had I not checked.

"Mama." I look down into my Baby girls bright blue eyes.

She's like a little me. Alot of the same features. She looks just like I did as a child. Although if you look closely you see the differences.

When she smiles she has dimples but I do not. Her father does. Her lips are darker also like her father. My favorite part is the flecks of green in her eyes.

She has a sassy attitude. Stubborn. Takes nothing from noboby. She's hardheaded. Never listens. Does what she wants. However she is also one of the sweetest little girls I've ever known.

"Yes baby?" I asked.

"Why you crying?" Am I? I wipped my face and looked at the wetness on my fingers. I am. I laughed softly.

"I was scared." I told her honestly. "Of what?" Alex speaks up looking at me with his deep green eyes which amazling has flecks of blue.

"I thought I would lose you two." I kissed his head. They had no idea how much they meant to me.

"You didn't look scared fighting." Arabella spoke with a touch of awe.

"Well, my fear made me fight harder for you two."  They smiled at me. "One day. We will fight for you too." Arabella says.

"I love you two so much." My eyes watered some more but I blinked them back.

"Mama?" Alex asked. "Yes baby?" I looked at him. "Can we eat our pancakes now?"


Edited 10/15/17

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