25. The One With The Surprising News

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Chapter Twenty-Five

Amy had just left this morning and everyone was relieved, excited. It felt like 1000 pounds was lifted off their shoulders. No more bragging, no more insulting. Finally.

"We should all do something! Oo I know! Let's go to the bar!" Phoebe suggests, making everyone groan and shake their heads.

"That's boring, we could just drink at my place and the guys in there are just guys you'd want for a one night stand" Monica replies bitterly.

"So what? I'm tired of going to work, coming to the coffeehouse, going to your place and then back at mines!"

We all look at one another, hoping one of them has a plan but sadly, none of them do.

"How about a sleepover?" Joey suggests.

"Ah yes I remember having one of those when I was in middle school!" Chandler of course had to put his sarcastic two cents in it.

"OH please, sleepovers are not just for kids"

"But there for adults?"

Monica hits Chandler. "Look, how about us girls have a sleepover at my place and you boys have a sleepover at Chandler's"

"Oh Mon, I don't think that's a good idea. I'm not feeling it today" Rachel frowns.

"It's okay, a few margaritas would help you loosen up!"

"So what is this? Some kind of sleepover game?" Joey asked confused

"Sounds like fun!" Phoebe claps.

"Yeah, whoever has the most fun, wins uh.." Monica tried to think. "I don't know, a sleepover award?"

"Wow really? I always wanted to win one of those! I better go party hard tonight!" Chandler spoke up.

"How would we know who had the most fun?" Ross asked. "I mean, we all can easily cheat and say we did just to win.. This.. Award?"

"We'll videotape it!" Monica suggest. "We'll see who had the most fun from the tape!"

"Ooh I like that idea! I'm in" Joey smiles wide.

"Joey get your mind out of the gutter, we're gonna videotape us having fun"

"That's not what my mind looks like" Joey chuckles. "3 girls? A videotape?" Joey continued laughing.

Monica grimaced. "Anyways, so yeah is that the deal?"

"Sure but we need to actually win something" Phoebe pleads. "Like, a 100$ bucks goes to the winner"

"Make it 200$"



"Okay people! It's supposed to be about fun not gambling" Monica cuts in for the price got outrageous, not like it wasn't already. "200$ it is"


"Fine Ross, 250$ goes to the winners so may the best sleepover win"

Everyone stands up, most likely to get ready for the sleepover even though it was only 3 pm. Eh who cared, they had nothing else to do.

"I would wish you luck but I want the money" Rachel pats Ross' shoulder.

"And I was gonna share my half with you" he shakes his head like he was disappointed.

"Well if you're gonna be paying up, I think it'll be fun to not share" Rachel teases. Ross puts his arm around her shoulder.

"Wow that's so sweet of you"


The girls put on their pjs, well Phoebe and Monica did. Rachel stood in her clothes.

"So I got this entire day planned!"

"Monica, sleepovers aren't fun when you plan them" Phoebe says nicely but had a hint of sass in her voice.

"Well that's too late cause I already have a list! Firstly, we're gonna play scrabble for a bit, have a small pillow fight, then vacuum the rug in case there's any feathers around, clean the tables-"

"Yeah okay, are you begging for them to take the 250$?"

Monica puts her hands on her hips. "I don't see you coming up with any ideas!"

"Here's one! Let's just sit on the couch with some popcorn and watch a scary movie. You can't forget the margaritas"

"I like that idea" Rachel calls from the couch.

"That's so cliché you wussies! Add some excitement into your sleepovers!"

"Oh cause pillow fights aren't cliché" Phoebe raises her eyebrows and takes the blender out, about to make margaritas.

"We're so gonna lose this bet"

"Yeah cause I'm sure the boys are having a blast. They're probably still in their same clothes, drinking beers and discussing stupid things we don't care about"

"But us being filmed for almost 2 hours, eating popcorn and drinking is gonna make us win!?" Monica shouts in disbelief.

"Ooo! I got it! One of us kisses each other and then boom, we win"

Rachel and Monica look at each other and then back at Phoebe. Rachel claps. "Pheebs you are on fire today"

"Why thank you" Phoebe bows, proud of her ideas.

"Can't argue with that idea. We'll win no doubt" Monica shrugs and decided to help Phoebe with the margaritas.

Rachel takes this as her chance to go to her room and takes somehing from her drawer, something she's been wanting to do since yesterday.

She goes into the bathroom and locks the door. She opens the box and felt herself panic.

She does what the test tells her to do and she starts pacing.

Just a few minutes and she'll be able to tell. She wanted to puke. It was nerve wrecking.

There was a knock at the door making Rachel jump. "YES?"

"The margaritas are almost done and I'm putting in the movie hurry up!" Monica yells.

"Okay! Just a few more minutes!" Rachel yells back and felt her nerves kicking in more.

Hurry up, hurry up, hurry up, hurry up

Why does these tests take so damn long? Why couldn't she just do as she's told and boom, the answer pops up.

But NOOOOO, they want to make you shit your pants trying to figure out if you're positive or negative.

She leaned over and looked at the test, picking it up. "OH my god.." she whispers, covering her mouth, a tear threatening to leave her eyes. "I'm pregnant..."


DUN DUN DUNNNNNN. I'm sure you seen it coming since chapter 24 but if you didn't, I bet you're surprised ;)

Originally this was supposed to be a one story thing (like I've said before) but I decided I wanna make a sequel to it! By the time I posted this, I'll probably be writing chapter 10 already for the sequel hahaha

But, I wanna thank you guys so much for all the attention and love you've given this story! It means a lot, I love you all.

I have no date yet for when the sequel will be out but it'll be soon :) I'll keep you all posted!

Thank you guys again!

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