24. The One Where Ross Eavesdrops

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Chapter Twenty-Four

"What the hell are you wearing?" Monica asked Chandler once she seen him walk in her house wearing a Ralph Lauren suit.

"Do you like? I called Rachel, went over and she gave me 40% off"

Monica shakes her head. "Since when do wear expensive.. Wait! Oh my god! This is about Amy isn't it!"

"No?" Chandler scoffs. "I can't dress up?"

"Chandler" Monica crossed her arms.

"Okay fine. Fine. It is. I just want to see what she has to say when she sees me with it on"

"How does Rachel feel about this?"

"About me wearing this suit?" he asked confused

"No Chandler. About you possibly liking her sister. Isn't it weird?"

He shrugs. "Well, I guess the reason it's weird is cause it's her sister and I'm not good with girls"

"But don't you hate her or did that all disappear cause she said she liked you?"

Chandler just ignored her walking out cause Monica was right, he tried to find Amy.

And right on cue, she's walking up the steps. "Hey"

"Well hello there" Chandler smirks and leans against the wall.

Amy didn't look impressed. "Um. Okay? Look are you going..- is that a Ralph Lauren suit?"

"Why yes, yes it is"

"It doesn't look good on you at all, wow, I must've been shopping exhausted to have said that" Amy grimaces eyeing it.

Chandler felt himself get awkward and crossed his arms trying to cover the suit.

"Anyways" she continues. "If you're going down, can you tell Gary I'll be down in a minute? I gotta ask Monica something"

"Who's Gary?"

"My date?" Amy laughs. "If you don't know what that word is, look it up. I'm sure you went on one before, right?"

Chandler rolls his eyes. "Obviously I have.."

Looks like it was back to hating Amy.


Ross was about to knock on Rachel's door and walk in with flowers behind his back before he heard a small conversation going on between Rachel and Brad.

He quietly leaned his ear up against the door.

"I can't do that to Ross, I love him too much"

"He's nothing compared to you"

"That's what you think" Rachel sighs. "He's my everything"

"I can be your everything"

"Brad.. You just met me a few days ago, please."

"And I always had the biggest crush on you, please Rachel. I promise I can change your mind about Ross"

"Brad...I love Ross, I'm sorry. No I can't"

Ross smiled and walked in with the flowers. Brad looked over at him and looked like he wanted to kill Ross.

Ross walks happily over to Rachel and kisses her with much passion. He looks over at Brad. "You heard her, she loves me"

Brad scoffs and back aways from them. "Rachel.. Just remember what you're missing"

"I'm not missing anything" Rachel smiles and looks up at Ross, causing Ross to kiss her forehead.

Brad walks out without another word, feeling let down and embarrassed. Ross hands Rachel the flowers and she grabs them.

"What are these for?"

"Just to show you how much I love you"

Rachel blushes and kisses Ross once again. "I love you so much.. I hope you know that"

"Of course I do. So I was right huh? He did like you"

Rachel almost rolled her eyes. "Yes he did but he's not you so, he wouldn't have a shot anyways"

Ross chuckles, feeling very proud of himself.


"So looks like you and Amy aren't a thing huh?" Rachel laughed at how Chandler thought he had a chance. I mean it's Amy, she never goes for guys like him.

"Well what Ross told me! It seemed like I could've had a thing with her!"

Ross laughs now too. "Hey man, I thought you did also"

"Well this is Amy we're talking about and she goes home tomorrow if I'm right" Rachel sighs and cuddles closer to Ross. "I genuinely thought she was gonna change"

"Setting your hopes way too high Rach" Monica replies.

Rachel rolls her eyes. "Well excuse me for wanting my sister to be more you know.. Independent"

"Well she did tell me the reason she only came over here was to make her dad proud" Chandler speaks up.

"Wait what?" Rachel now leans up, making Ross' arm lazily fall onto the couch since it was wrapped around her shoulder.

"Yeah, I guess your dad is very proud of you and he wanted your sisters to be more like you"

Rachel now smiles happy. "Oh my god, did you hear that! My dad's proud of me!"

Chandler pats her back. "Looks like being independent really worked out for you"

"Hell yeah it did!" Rachel gloats. "My dad is proud of me! None of my sister's can say that for themselves!"

Everyone lightly chuckles and nods, agreeing.


Rachel groaned and tossed and turned, softly rubbing her stomach. Why, why does this always happen when she's trying to sleep?

If only Ross was here to comfort her and rub her belly. She missed sleeping with him. Just one more night and Amy is gone.

She's been having this on and off sickness for at least almost 2 weeks now, she just didn't want to tell Ross or her friends to have them freak out. But this last week, it's just been torture.

She felt like calling a doctor and asking to get her damn stomach pumped cause this feeling was not the most pleasant feeling in the world.

"Oh godddd" Rachel whines and curls up in the fetus position. She had a small clue on what it could be and that one thing she thought, terrified her.

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