17. The One With The Roommate

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Chapter Seventeen

"She's so weird, I'm telling you guys!" Rachel tried to explain to her friends for the 100th time.

"Like Phoebe weird or past it?"

"Way past it! Phoebe either can't see it or she's just being nice by letting her stay with her"

Monica eats some of her muffin and shakes her head. "Phoebe doesn't do roommates so I don't believe you"

"I went to her house today and seen that crazy woman!"

"Maybe she's crazy enough to believe she's roommates with Phoebe"

"No no! I seen her room and everything" Rachel argued

"Phoebe sworn she wouldn't get a roommate after she moved out!" Monica yelled defensively, feeling a little betrayed that Phoebe lied.

"Did you actually believe she wouldn't let another person move in after she got her own apartment?"

"YES! Phoebe doesn't do roommates!"

"I do" Joey chuckles. Everyone looks at him unamused while Chandler looks at him disgusted.

"Hey Joe"


"You're my roommate, I'm your roommate. We're roommates!"

"Yeah, Chandler, I know that"

Chandler sarcastically smiles. "So, remember what Monica just said, and remember your response" he pats Joey's knee while Joey thinks hard.

"Anyways" Rachel rolls her eyes. "Ask her when she comes!"

"I will!" And speaking of her, Phoebe walks in causing Monica to glare at her and cross her arms. "Hello trader"

"Woah" Phoebe waves the air around her. "What's with all the negativity?"

"How could you get another roommate!" Monica shouts sad while standing up.

"Excuse me?"

"Rachel seen her in your house!"

Phoebe looks at Rachel and back at Monica. "No no that was my landlord, yeah, we're really close"

"Close enough that she has her own room in your apartment?"

"Yep! We always have sleepovers!"

"Phoebe just admit it, you got another roommate and she's better than me" Monica frowns and sits down.

"Oh no Mon, you're way better than her" Phoebe walks around the couch and sits next to her.

"I am?"

"Of course! No one can show me how to properly clean appliances over 8 ways!"

"Aww!" Monica smiles and side hugs Phoebe.

"OH dude that's gross!" Joey shouts, finally getting what Chandler was talking about.


"You see, so you have to add the red food coloring into the muffin or else you won't get that red feel that it's blood when you open it" Gina, Phoebe's roommate tried to explain to everyone.

Everyone all nodded and muttered 'Oh yeah' a billion times, clearly not interested in her weird, creepy, unrelated ideas.

"So, Gina, where are you from?" Monica asked curious.

"Cali! I miss it there so much but new Yorks been treating me so good!"

"I bet it has, I love the city" Monica gushed

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