19. The One With All The Bitterness

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Chapter Nineteen

"Woah, what happened to you?"

"Amy that's what's happened" Ross replied bitterly while he takes a seat on the couch.

"What did she do?" Monica continues with the questions while she walks over to him.

"Keeping me up all night." Ross rolls his eyes and puts on his best bratty girl voice he could. "Ross can you get a drink of water? Ross can you fluff my pillow? Ross can you turn on the ac? Ross can you do this? Can you do that? Can you do every God damn thing?"

"You actually did it?"

"Of course. Every time I tried to say no, I remembered she's Rachel's sister and I couldn't say no"

Monica scoffed. "I don't care if she was my boyfriends sister, if she was a bitch I'd tell her no!"

Ross sighs. "You don't get it. If I tell Amy no, I feel like I'm letting down Rachel. She really wants her sister to change"

"You honestly think that's gonna happen?"

"Well I mean-"

"Ross" Monica cuts him off.


Monica pats his shoulder. "So why are you wasting your time? I love Rachel and I know it's her sister but enough is enough"

"I know.. It reminds me, where is Rachel?"

"Out shopping for food and decorations"

"How come?"

"Rachel decided to over do it and thought it would be a good idea to throw a party for Amy"

Ross slightly tilts his head confused. "It's Amy's birthday?"

"No. It's more like a 'I missed my sister' party so I have to cook while she sets up decorations"

Ross raised his eyebrows. "And you agreed to do it"

"Why wouldn't I? I love cooking and cleaning"

Ross shakes his head and leans more into the couch, about to pass out any minute but it got ruined when Joey comes in slamming the door.

"She needs to go"


"How do you know?" Joey asked shocked by Monica knowing who he was talking about.

"Everyone wants her to leave, Joe" Ross mumbles.

"I can't take it! I guess since Ross left to do errands" Joey eyes Ross. "Rachel called me to go comfort Amy since she's homesick"


"I was only there for a few minutes and I wanted to kill myself!" Joey complains. "She wasn't homesick, she's just money and attention sick!"

"REALLY? It took you a few minutes with her to know that?" Ross asked dull.

"Well I mean, Rachel is the complete opposite from that! All my sister's are the same!"

"Did you or did you not hang with Rachel when she first came down here? It was shopping this, daddy's credit card this, me me me me me this!" Monica explains, getting annoyed by remembering that horrible time.

"That was Rachel?" Joey asked confused. "It was so long ago I could've sworn it was just someone I had a dream about"

Monica and Ross look at Joey like he was an idiot. No pun intended.

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