9. The One With Phoebe's Prison Boyfriend

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Chapter Nine

It has been at least a week the most since Chandler and Monica broken up. They been avoiding each other or more likely, Monica's been avoiding Chandler for various reasons.

One being, she's in love with him and he doesn't know. God, that sounds a awful like Rachel and Ross.

The door opens and in walks Chandler causing Monica to roll her eyes. "Get out"


"I said get out"

"But I'm always here"

"But now I'm here and I don't wanna deal with you so go" Monica continues scrubbing the already clean pan.

"Monica.. You can't serious"

"I am"

"Is this because of the break-"

"Sh!" Monica holds up a hand, showing her yellow rubber gloves. "I don't wanna hear that word coming out of your mouth for the second time"

Chandler sighs and walks over to her. "Isn't this better though? Just actually being friends, not having to hide it from our friends"

"But it's not about that when it's about commitment, something you're clearly too afraid to have"

Chandler raises his eyebrows and continously blinks. "I'm not afraid of commitment"

"Really? So hm. Babies, marriage-"

"OKAY I've heard enough" Chandler sarcastically smiles. "I have work to do" he walks to the door and walks out, causing Monica to slightly laugh.


Rachel gasps as she holds her coffee closer to her chest. "Oh that is so not true!"

Joey nods eagerly, with a big smile on his face. "It is!"

"No way! How long has it been?"

"I would say a few years?" Phoebe closes her eyes then reopens them and smiles. "It feels great!"

"How did you do it? Didn't he question you on why you wanted this?"

"Nope. I picked a dumb rich guy" Phoebe continues smiling.

"Phoebe's gonna help me find a rich girl to do the same with!" Joey yells happily.

"Hey! Wait! I want one too!" Rachel stops herself. "Well, guy"

"Guys! You have to be quiet about this. Only us 3 can know"

Joey and Rachel nod. "Isn't it dangerous though? Pretending to be in prison and getting males to send you money?"

"Eh not really"

"How did you even get girls to do it without giving them anything in return?"

Joey winks and smirks at Phoebe. "I think I know"

"Oh Joey!" Rachel whines disgusted.

Phoebe laughs. "It would be impossible. I just told them I'd give them 20% in their account. I know many prisoners. I could've been one"

Rachel takes a quick sip from her coffee. "Soo uh, how much is in your bank? Must be thousands"

"I checked a few months ago and it's wow"

"How much is it?" Joey asked concerned.


Rachel and Joey's eyes widen. "20,000 dollars!?"
"Well, he said their dollars are called Vietnamese Dong something like that but yeah so I guess it's 20,000 dollars!"

"What the hell is that?" Joey asked displeased.

Rachel looks at Phoebe serious. "Pheebs.. You do know our money runs different from other countries right?"

"Um yeah sure"

"So you said, he gave you 20,000.... Dongs.." Rachel slowly repeats what phoebe said.

"Vietnamese Dongs"

"So, Phoebe" Rachel smiles and pats her knee. "You only have 1 US dollar in your bank account"

"What? No sir? He said it was 20,000!"

"If we were in his country, it would be. But, we're in America and over here it's dollars"

Phoebe groans. "Mann! I thought I was making big bucks."

"At least your prisoner friend gets her twenty percent right?" Rachel jokes causing Phoebe to roll her eyes.

"Watch when this plan actually works, I'll be the one who's gonna make jokes"

"Just make sure he's American with US dollars" Rachel once again jokes making Joey laugh with her.


"So, you're telling me that dinosaurs are in fact so much more boring than they were before you talked about it!?" Chandler jokes causing Ross to just look away from him.

"See, this is why I talk to Jessica and not you guys"

"Who's Jessica?"

"The girl I've been hanging with, the one that loves Paleontologists" Ross spoke in a dull voice. Everyone slightly turned their heads. "I told you guys about her a few weeks ago"

"Oh! Was that the one that left you after you asked her to move in with you?" Joey asked in a confident tone.

"No, that was Kate" Ross sarcastically smiles. "But when you put it that way, it sounds so much better"

Joey smiles, not understanding Ross' sarcasm.

"Well I gotta go to jail" Phoebe stands up and fixes the strap around her shoulder. Everyone looks at her like she's a ghost. "What? I can have prison friends too.." Phoebe starts walking out.

"And I'm gonna go hang with Jessica, she's more funner when it comes to science" Ross smiles and stands up, fixing his suit.

"And by funner don't you mean" Chandler pretends to sleep, earning a few chuckles from everyone. Ross once again ignored him and walked out.

An awkward quiet silence now fell upon them and Rachel clears her throat, filing her nails.

Even though the coffeehouse was filled with people and cups being slurpped, put down on the table, spoons hitting the cups and small chat, it was still somewhat quiet for them all.

Rachel now stands up. "I'm gonna get a coffee, want one Joey?"

"Uh, no thanks Rach I already-"

"I said do you want one?" Rachel tried to drop Joey a hint by glancing at Monica and Chandler then back him.

"If you're asking me why are you staring at Chandler and Monica?" he laughs.

"OH WOULD YOU JUST COME HERE!" Joey immediately stands up and they walk to the far right of the counter

"So, this is my cue to leave" Monica throws the newspaper on the table causing Chandler to sigh and hold her knee.

"We need to talk"

"There's nothing to talk about. You said what you needed to"

"About our friendship Mon.... What is this?"

Monica frowns and shrugs. "How should I know? You caused it"

"Look, I'm sorry. It was for the better.."

"For us? Or for you?" Monica shakes her head. "This talk is over, Chandler." She stands up now and it was her turn to walk out. Making Rachel frown and groan in annoyance.

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