This is your fault too!

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Jack had disappeared out of sight. "Where has he gone now?" Ianto thought. Ianto was getting a bit annoyed at Jack now, they had just found that he was pregnant and Jack was running off not talking to him. Was it really that bad? Did Jack not want a child? Ianto thought that Jack would make a good dad. A great dad in fact. And growing up in the heart of Torchwood three it would be amazing, dangerous but amazing all the same.

Ianto stood at the top of the stairs for a while. Ianto had lost sight of Jack and Owen, Gwen and Tosh were watching him closely from their workstations.

"IM SORRY JACK. I UNDERSTAND THAT YOU MAY NOT WANT THIS BABY BUT IM HAVING IT ANYWAY! AND DO YOU KNOW WHAT JACK? IM NOT THE ONLY ONE TO BLAME FOR THIS. THIS IS YOUR FAULT TOO!" Ianto shouted angrily from the top of the stairs. There was some muttering between Gwen and Tosh obviously just realising what Ianto had said and realised that he was pregnant.

"This is your fault too." Ianto muttered before letting his knees collapse under him and closing his eyes as he fell down the stairs as the world went black.

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