"Then you haven't checked for a very long time Lauren," she shots back, here it goes, I admit that I was a bad friend but I had no freaking choice.

"I am going to work right now and in the evening I am going to see Y/N just don't bother to come before you fix this mess. Normani told me that she's been drinking around," I tell her.

"That's her problem not mine, she's her girlfriend not me."

"Get your head out of your ass and start thinking, why would they started dating all of the sudden, why would she be jealous on Kylie. Just grow the fuck up or watch her slip away from you like I had to watch Y/N." She is silent after that, her eyes look deep in thought and there is nothing else I could say to her right now. I turn around on my heels and walk away.

Dr. Loyd's Pov:

Y/N looks exhausted today, it's unbelievable how even when she is not talking or when her eyes are not opened I can see the changes in her.

I look through the papers on the desk and move towards the doors afterwards. I walk towards the nurse to give her some instructions when I hear my name, "Dr. Loyd!" I turn around to see Dinah standing a few inches away from me.

"Dinah? What's up is Camila alright?" I see anger in her eyes when I mention the girl and she just shrugs it off.

"Can I? Can I see her please? I am going to lose my freaking mind sooner or later if I don't?" Even though I shouldn't let her in, even though I promised Lauren and Camila that I will let them go see her first I can't bare the look inside her eyes. I pull her towards the door without saying a word, as we are standing in front of the bed she gasps at the sight of her friend.

Y/N is still pretty much laying in the middle of the room surrounded with machines, it's hard to get towards her bed but we manage. Dinah is standing in front of it looking at her fragile friend, the tears slipping down her face and something in me tells me that I should give them some space. "Ten minutes Dinah, nothing more," I say as I look at her and the anger she carried for me is suddenly gone, she is grateful, her hand even searches for mine and she squeezes it gently.

Y/N's Pov:

Someone is here, I can feel it, this is not a nurse or a doctor, this is not Anna checking me, this is someone I know someone I missed for this whole month.

"You look so fragile," I hear a voice and I recognize it immediately. And you sound exhausted, I answer in my head. I wish that I could hold you Dinah, I wish that I could hug you or just squeeze your hand.

She sits down beside the bed and even though I don't see her I feel her eyes on me. "We had a fight again," she says crying now. Oh damn, what did Camila say this time?

"She went on a date with your doctor, the thing that bothers me is how happy she was about it. For a second it seemed like she forgot that you're in the hospital. I came to my senses last night, I'm letting her go completely. Your docotor is a nice woman, she makes Camila smile and I am not capable of doing that lately all I do is disappoint her. Maybe that's how it's supposed to be." She stutters out.

That's not how it is supposed to be, she freaking gave you her heart, her virginity, her everything, you were her first in a lot of things and she cares. You should have told her that you love her 4 years ago just like I told you too.

"I know you're probably thinking that I should have told her a few years ago but it's not that easy," how so? I ask her in my head and I hear a little giggle.

"I don't know Y/N, is just not. I will let her be happy, she deserves it. Just like Lauren deserves your love, come back will you? Everything is crashing down around me and I am doing the thing you hate, I am trying to drown my saddness in the alcohol." I hear the doors opening again but this person comes rushing inside like a hurricane.

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