The dress stopped two inches above her knee. Her hair was up in a bun and she had Smokey black eye. Now that's what I call dress to impress.

I nodded. "Ready."

Both of us walked downstairs and I turned off all the lights. I locked the door behind me and Sophia and I hoped into my car and drove towards the club.

The club wasn't as packed as last time but there was still a lot of people.

"Do you see Jonah anywhere?" Sophia yelled over the music. My eyes roamed the room as my hips swayed to the music. The song, I don't fuck with you, came on and I couldn't help but dance and sing along with the lyrics.

"Found him." She said, beaming. I followed her gaze and sure enough Jonah was sitting at the bar with a beer in his hand. Right next to him was Asher who was talking to an attractive girl. She was practically sitting on his lap.

Sophia made her way towards them and I trailed behind looking like a fish out of water. How am I supposed to act towards him now?

Sophia sat next to Jonah and they shared a kiss. I planted my butt next to Sophia and tried to stare at anyone but Asher.

The bartender came over and Sophia and I ordered our usual gin and tonic.

A moment later, he came back with our drink and set it down in front of us. Sophia left hers alone as I chugged mines down.

Fuck it.

I grabbed Sophia's drink and chugged that one down too. Thankfully, she didn't notice.

As my head bumped to the music, I was aware that someone was staring at me; more like burning a hole through my skull.

I looked up and Asher was gazing at me. I can tell he was trying not to glare. When he noticed me staring, he gave me a small head nod. I returned the nod with a smile.

It's crazy how he's the only guy who makes me feel nervous around him.

Our staring competition didn't last though as the girl beside him got back his attention. I excused myself and got up from the stool. I made my way towards the bathroom.

The bathroom was down a familiar hall. As the music faded, I remembered why it looked so familiar; it was where Asher took me the night we had sex at the club.

My hand reached for the knob to the bathroom when all of a sudden, someone grabbed my elbow and spun me around. I began to panic.

What the fuck?

The panicking seized when I realized that it was only Asher.

"What is your problem?" He asked rather rudely.

"Excuse me?" I asked, a little taken back. He follows me to the bathroom, scare the crap out of me and he's asking me what my problem is?

"Why are you such a brat?" He hissed.

"Did I miss something here?" I asked, confused. "I didn't even do or say anything about you."

"So you don't think I am a psychopathic bad boy with an unknown STD who isn't good enough for you because I can't afford to buy you nice things and the fact that my mother is a stripper."

"Who told you that?" I wondered.

"Jonah." He replied.

"Who told Jonah?"

"Sophia." He smirked. "So I know all about your stupid cons and pros list."

Note to self: remind me to kill Sophia later. How dare she?

"To be fair, you weren't supposed to know."

"Like I care," he scoffed, "because you want to know what I think about you?"


"You are a self-centered little brat who thinks the world revolve around her and I don't want to fit in your crowd because you people think you are better than us. I hate the Jefferson kids. Do you even know what true happiness is? Or did daddy buy that for you all your life? At least my mom sacrificed herself to give me a life while your dad sacrifice others so he can make a few bucks". Every word he spoke was filled with venom.

"Why you being so mean?" I cried.

"Because you don't deserve my nice side." He scorned.

I stared into his eyes that was full of hatred and I realized that I hate him too. I hated the Lincoln kids. I hated how they thought they were so cooler than us just because they do drugs and party every weekend. But you know what, they don't have a future. My whole life is already set up for me. So fine he can say all those mean things but so can I.

"Fine," I spat, "go ahead and say all those mean things but you know what, you would either end up in one or two places-jail or hell. How dare you speak to me like that? You know nothing about me but go ahead hate me because I will always be better than you."

"You Jefferson kids always think that money make you better than somebody." He snorted.

"I'm better than you not because I'm rich but because I'm better than you." By now, I was yelling and never have I been so angry in my life.

"Great." He mocked.

"I hate you." I sneered.

"Even better because I hate you too."

"And I never want to see you again."

He gave me the thumbs up. "Are you done?" I was so angry that I couldn't help it, I slapped him hard on the cheeks. Asher looked taken back.

It felt so good to hit him so I did it again.

And again.

I went in for another when he grabbed me by the hand.

Without using a lot of forced he pushed me towards the wall and hovered on top of me, his hands still holding on to mines.

Catching me off guard, Asher lips smashed on top of mines. He let go of my hands as it slipped unto my hips.

It was a hot and angry kiss. I could tell he was still angry because he kept biting hard on my lips.

After a few moment, he backed off and stared at me. The hate in his eyes was still there but that's okay, I still had the hate too.

This time I caught him off guard and grabbed unto his shirt and pulled him towards me. His lips were now back on mines.

Asher easily picked me up, with us still kissing and began to carry me somewhere. With one hand was on my butt, Asher opened a door with the other and carried me inside. He slammed the door shut and the clicking noise was heard as he locked the door.

Now we couldn't be disturb.

The next thing I knew I was falling but on purpose because Asher threw me and my head hit a soft surface. I looked beneath me and saw that I was on top of a bed.

Why would there be a bed there? I would never know.

How would Asher know about this room? I would never know that either.

Asher hovered on top of me and he began kissing me again. I swear, I could melt in his kisses.

I wrapped my legs around his torso and my hands roamed under his shirt playing with his packs when I decided, he was no good to me with his shirt on so I yanked it off.

Now his six packs was revealed.

Asher broke the kiss and he smiled at me. I couldn't help but smile back.

He leaned towards me again; I thought he was going to kiss me but this time his lips found my ears.

"I still hate you." He whispered.

Way to kill the mood Asher ;)
Lol so who ship those two?
Asher + Kassandra = Kasher
Who ship her and Aaron?
Aaron + Kassandra = Aarondra
who ship Sophia and Jonah?
Sophia + Jonah = Sophina
VOTE (110)

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