Chapter Twelve

Comincia dall'inizio

They're sitting quietly on the couch, Bella is digging through one of her toy boxes, and Louis left to his bedroom mumbling something about sexual tension which made both Zayn and Liam blush. Zayn reaches out to grab his hand and Liam looks at him fondly, "what did you want to ask me?" Zayn murmurs, leaning his head on his shoulder. Liam bites his lip and decides it's now or never, "so my mum does a family lunch a couple times a month and it's this Sunday, and well she wants to meet you and Bella" he mumbles. Zayn's quiet so Liam chances a glance in his direction, "Zayn?" he asks quietly, and Zayn shakes his head, "you want me to meet your parents?" he asks and Liam nods slowly, "yeah, I mean only if you want to" he mumbles. Zayn's suddenly in his lap,and kissing him, Liam's surprised but he goes with it, kissing Zayn back, "I would love to come" Zayn whispers, when they finally break apart. Liam sighs in relief before he wraps his arms tighter around Zayn and pulls him closer into his chest, pressing a kiss to Zayn's head as he does.


Liam spends most of Saturday finishing up the work he neglected the day before to hang out with Zayn, and Bella, and worry about today and his dad. He's driving towards his mum's with Zayn sitting beside him staring distractedly out the window and Bella sleeping in her car seat in the back. Liam clears his throat and Zayn rolls his head to look at him, arching an eyebrow, "Zee?" Liam murmurs, as he pulls up to a red light, "yeah, Li?" Zayn asks, and Liam sighs, "I know it's in all the papers that I took over the company with Ni,  because my dad's sick. But um please don't let that affect how you view him, he's still the same man he's always been, just a little more fragile sometimes" he says all in one breath, turning his attention back to the road as the light changes and he starts to drive again. He sees movement out of the corner of his eye and suddenly Zayn is right beside him on the seat, his hand resting on Liam's thigh, lips pressing feather light kisses to his cheek. "I know Li, trust me, I won't even mention it, unless he brings it up. I want to get to know your family the way you do, not the way the media wants me to" Zayn murmurs, before he slides back into his own seat, leaving Liam pouting as he drives, "thanks Zayn" he mumbles, Zayn just nodding in response.

Liam rolls his eyes when he pulls up to his childhood home thirty minutes later, because he can see his mum peeking out from the curtains in the front entrance, Zayn must see her too because he laughs quietly. "She really is excited to meet you, and Arabella" Liam murmurs, pulling the keys out and turning to face Zayn who grins, "well I am pretty cool" he teases, and Liam groans, before he nods his head, and opens the door to climb out. Zayn follows and they meet at the back door closest to Bella, "you want me to carry her?" Liam asks, because he wants to, he hopes that if he has a human shield his mum won't accost him too much. Zayn must be able to read his mind because he shakes his head, "I'll get her, can you bring her bag in though?" Zayn asks,gesturing to the backpack that contains not only diapers, wipes, and extra clothes, but a pile of Bella's favourite toys. Liam sighs, but nods and scoops up the bag, as he watches Zayn effortlessly unbuckle the sleeping toddler and scoop her into his arms, with practised ease. "Before we go in, I'm sorry about my sisters, they're loud and obnoxious at times" Liam warns Zayn who rolls his eyes, "did you forget that I have three sisters?" he asks and Liam chuckles "fair point" Liam replies before climbing up onto the porch.

They've barely made it to the door before his mum rips it open and pulls Liam into a hug, like she hasn't seen him in months, (when really it was three days ago) "I'm glad you could all make it" she chimes once she releases him. Liam watches as his mum approaches Zayn "Mum this is Zayn" Liam introduces and Karen coos, "so handsome, nice to meet you call me Karen" she says, and Zayn blushes, "nice to meet you too" he murmurs, adjusting his hold on Bella, who Liam can see is starting to stir. To her credit Karen doesn't attack Bella just yet, and Liam is thankful for that, because he already knows she's going to be confused when she fully wakes up. "Baba?" Bella mumbles sleepily, rubbing tiredly at her eyes, Liam still can't believe how adorable she is sometimes, but he notices his mum moving closer and grabs her sleeve shaking his head. "Yeah, love?" Zayn murmurs, brushing some hair out of her face, "where we?" Bella asks, around a yawn, which makes Zayn and Liam both chuckle "we're at Liam's mummy's house" Zayn explains gently, adjusting the toddler in his arms. Bella appears to be thinking before she nods, and looks out from Zayn's chest to scan the room, making grabby hands in Liam's direction "want Leeyum" she whines. Zayn chuckles and steps closer to where Liam's waiting with his mum, to pass the toddler over, Liam takes her and cuddles her close to his chest.

End Up Here (Ziam AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora