Zayn's not sure how, but he must have fallen asleep again, because he wakes up alone in his bed, with the TV off, he looks around confused as he sits up, but notes happily that his head no longer hurts at all. He glances at his clock to see it's well past dinner time and instantly feels bad, he's barely spent any time with Bella today, and wonders where she is. He hears footsteps in the hall, and furrows his eyebrows as they stop outside his door, he can hear Bella giggling before a hushed voice is speaking "we have to be quiet though, Princess, Baba may still be sleeping" Liam murmurs and Zayn bites his lip to stop whatever emotion is swelling in him. "Baba icky?" Arabella asks and Zayn grins slightly as he hears Liam chuckle "yeah, Love. Baba's icky"Liam answers, before the bedroom door opens. Zayn smiles at the sight, Liam's standing in his doorway with Bella on his shoulders, the toddler holding on tightly as Liam ducks way down to fit underneath the door frame without bashing Bella's head. "Baba awake" Bella cheers and Liam chuckles nodding, before he carefully reaches up to pull Bella down and place her on the bed. "Leeyum, sit" Bella demands and Liam shakes his head, before he sits on the edge of Zayn's bed. Zayn smiles at them both before reaching one hand out to Bella, who happily curls into his side, reaching the other towards Liam, tangling their fingers together when he makes contact."Hey love, did you eat?" Zayn asks Bella, who nods excitedly "yes Baba, Leeyum make macaroni" she exclaims, "he did?!" Zayn gasps, and Bella nods happily, "Baba still icky?" she asks. Zayn shakes his head, "Nah, Baba feels better now. What did you do all day, Baba missed you" he murmurs, thumb brushing over the back of Liam's hand, as he listens to Bella tell him everything about her day.

Arabella has snuggled herself into Zayn's side, and is happily tracing over all his tattoos, the TV playing quietly in the background. Zayn turns his head so he can see Liam, "I still say, you didn't have to come over here, we would have figured it out" he murmurs, watching as Liam shrugs and shifts so he's sitting beside Zayn, no longer just on the edge, "I wanted to. Besides Louis ended up getting called away, and if I hadn't been here, who would have watched Arabella?" Liam asks. Zayn bites his lip, he didn't realize Louis had left, it makes sense though, his drama club's production of Grease is coming up soon, so there was probably some kind of rehearsal. He also didn't realize Liam's been alone with Bella, for however long, he doesn't know why but the thought makes him feel warm all over, it's likely because he and Liam have only been dating for about a week, known each other for two. Cool fingers brushing down his cheek snap Zayn's attention back to the present, "sorry" he mumbles, shaking his head, Liam laughs,"don't be. But where did you go?" he asks curiously. Zayn shrugs and bites his lip, not willing to share all his thoughts, not just yet, "nowhere" he mumbles, Liam looks unconvinced but nods his head slowly. "Thank you, by the way" Zayn murmurs, after a minute of silence, Liam turns his head and furrows his eyebrows, in an adorable look of confusion and Zayn has the sudden urge to kiss him. So he does, he carefully leans up and attaches their lips together, sighing into it before he swipes his tongue along Liam's bottom lip,in an attempt to get him to open his mouth. Zayn smirks when Liam complies, and he's able to lick into Liam's mouth. The kiss is more intense than any other one they've shared, and probably more than they should be doing with Bella right there, but Zayn can't find it in himself to care, not really. He knows she's distracted both by theTV and his tattoos, Liam gently pushing on his shoulders causes them to pull apart.

Zayn bites his lip as he looks away from Liam both breathing heavy, "sorry, I umm" he mumbles, but Liam shakes his head, "don't be sorry, that was amazing. Just need to catch my breath" he murmurs, thumb rubbing at Zayn's jaw. Zayn's about to say something else but Bella stops him, "this one me, right Baba?" she asks suddenly, and Zayn turns his head to see she's pointing to the princess tiara with a small 'A' inside of it, on his forearm, that he got on her first birthday. He smiles nodding,"yea, Boo, that's for you" he murmurs, and she grins, pulling his arm up "see Leeyum, for Bella" she crows, waving Zayn's arm around. Liam smiles that eye crinkling one Zayn loves and reaches over to trace a finger along the tattoo, "I see it. That's pretty special" he murmurs, Zayn can hear the fondness in his voice, and he thinks Liam is perfect and decides he's keeping him no matter what.

The three settle into Zayn's bed after that, Zayn pulls up a movie that doesn't completely suck, and Liam disappears coming back a few minutes later with juice for Bella, and something to eat and drink for Zayn. Zayn smiles gratefully up at him, suddenly realizing he hasn't eaten a thing all day "thank you" he murmurs, but Liam waves him away, pulling Zayn into his side a little more. Zayn eats slowly, eyes flicking from the TV, to Bella, to Liam, then back again, he can't decide who he wants to watch more right now, his boyfriend, or his daughter, both of who are pretty interested in the movie that's playing, "Baba?" Bella asks quietly "yeah, Love?" he asks and she grins up at him "I sleep here tonight?" she asks, batting her impossibly long eyelashes at him, Zayn groans, knowing he'll give in, he always does, "yeah" he answers. Liam chuckles beside him and Zayn elbows him in the ribs, a little too hard, but it has the desired effect, because Liam stops laughing. Bella nods happily, "Baba?" she asks again and Zayn worries where this could be going, but he hums to indicate he heard her, "Leeyum stay here too?" she asks. Zayn chokes on the sip of tea he just took, and Liam's gone still beside him, Zayn shakes his head slowly, turning to face the two year old, "Liam needs to go home tonight" he starts, "he has to work tomorrow" Zayn adds,because as much as he would love for Liam to spend the night, he knows it's too soon, way too soon. Liam nods beside him, "I'll come back another day, okay Bella?" Liam asks, "I don't have a toothbrush today anyways" he adds, and Zayn wants to kiss him again, because it's the perfect excuse, really. Bella pouts but nods her head slowly, "Leeyum stay 'nother time?" she asks, arching an eyebrow, that makes Zayn laugh, as Liam nods seriously, "promise, as long as it's okay with Baba" he murmurs, and Zayn bites his lip, because, it will be okay he can't imagine that it wouldn't be.

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