Chapter 5 ~ Angel meet's CHAYTON again

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                                                CHAYTON   P O V

Standing in Angel's bedroom i can see that low life from Vegas and Alpha Samuel with some of his fighter's at the edge of the Forrest looking directly at Angel's bed room why i have no idea so i change back in to my Falcon and fly at them and change back into human form and introduce my self to the Alpha. Alpha Samual i am Alpha CHAYTON i already know that you have met my brother Alpha CHATAN " Who is this man and why does he want Angel so badly '' he is obsessed about  Angel and has been since she was thirteen he has followed her everywhere she goes but he is only one of a few we don't know how many there are so we need to get this guy to the holding cell's and wait  for answer's but i know that there will be some more on there way to seek her out." Jason you and Matt take this guy to the holding cells and get answers  from him come Alpha CHAYTON i will take you to meet the she-wolves so you can see if any of them are you're mate''  OK after you Alpha samual.

So how is Angel doing at school '' she is doing fine i have transferred her and her two Friend's to the pack high school and also something scared her last night and early hour's of this morning and i also forgot to tell you that guy was also here a few day's ago when Angel was at school he was going through her thing's when i  found him in her bed room, he also told me that Angel is his fiancee and that she left Vegas without any word so using my Alpha tone on him i told him to leave and not return when Angel came back that day she said that she could smell my scent and the scent of another male she might know he left some magazine for her so i think he is a obsessed with Angel i got  Cara and the boy's to take my last name and call me dad but not Angel she only call's me Alpha or Alpha samual only a few time's has she called me dad and even then it sound's forced ''     do you have a cat '' no not that i know of why do you ask '' because there is a cat over by the front door and it is barred but really beauty full '' Angel where are you there you are come here'' hello brother how are you on this fine day and holding cat '' well i am fine  and we are going to take her to her room so she can shift and get dressed we have much to talk about although i don't know if she know's you CHAYTON '' come let us go inside the house and then i could meet all the pack if that is ok with you Alpha Samual '' yes i agree with you Alpha CHAYTON aah Dino would please show Alpha CHAYTON to his room '' ; '' yes Alpha Samual ''say's Dino.           "  Oh i almost forgot to tell you that we just got a phone call for Angel and i don't like the guy especially the way he went on about my sister it is disturbing if you don't mind my say so''      

                                                    CHATAN   P O V

Angel has shifted i think for the first time and she did'nt have any pain but she changed in to a gorgeous barred cat and she ran off out side the open front door so i have just found her out on the path near the front door of my brother's car my brother's name is CHAYTON he is a Falcon shifter and i am a Hawk shifter we have other brother's and sister's who shift into other animal's and birds my best Friend who i call water is a part fish shifter she shift's at will so we hardly see her i guess you could call her a mermaid  and we have got our own pack not just wolves or birds but other animal shifter's  my youngest brother is called ASHISHISHE a he is a crow shifter we are NATIVE AMERICAN INDIANS and proud of it. My only concern is that Cara is my mate but she is half shifter and half Angel and we can't mate because of her purity and also she was sent to protect her adopted daughter and now she has to go back home soon i will miss her terribly so now that  Angel has shifted back and is now getting ready for dinner.  Hello Cara " hello Alpha CHATAN when is you're brother coming here " which brother do you mean " err  i think i mean all of them because i don't know which one is coming '' well CHAYTON is already here and he is waiting for Angel so we can eat dinner '' Alpha CHATAN she should have been down here five minutes ago'' ahh you need not worry my sweet loving Cara she has had her first shift and is a beauty full cat but if you wish you could check on her '' where is she Alpha CHATAN '' you need not call me Alpha just call me CHATAN or what i shift in to Hawk as that is what my name translate's '' well what does Alpha CHAYTON name translate '' the name CHAYTON tranlate's Falcon and the name ASHISHISHE translate's Crow '' oh okay so is all three name's from the same tribe Alpha CHATAN '' asks Raul .

No Raul my name and CHAYTON name come from my tribe the Sioux tribe and the name ASHISHISHE is from the Crow tribe and we are proud of our heritage .

                                              CARA  P O V

On my way up stair's i am singing one of favorite song's called  Amazing Grace ( in CHEROKEE ) i love hearing it i even got Antonio to put the video on as he was on the computer and he was listening to the mavericks and then sacred spirits when Amazing Grace ( in Cherokee ) (1 ) is the web sight it is nice. So now i am out side Angel's bedroom door then i see Alpha CHAYTON stood out side the door waiting for her to come out. hello Alpha CHAYTON how are you on this fine evening '' i am fine and how are you Cara '' i am fine also my deer Falcon Friend is Angel in her room  '' yes i am still waiting for her to come out '' it is ok i will check on her now  Knock Knock Angel open the door please ( no answer ) so i walk in and see a Barred cat a sleep on her bed so i make my way over she woke up so i told her that she has to shift back so she mind link's me '' hi mom  what happened '' what is the last thing you remember  

                                                       ANGEL ( P O V )

'' i was woken by the chill because my window's and balcony door's were open and i had the feeling some one was watching me any way i got thirsty and wanted a drink so i got up went down stair's to the kitchen and got my self my favorite drink a glass of milk i only just got over half way through the milk when Alpha CHATAN scared my to death by walking in to the kitchen with out a sound and so i dropped the glass of milk and it smashed on the floor and he asked me he asked me what i was doing up and i told him the truth that my window's and balcony door's was open so Alpha CHATAN walked up to me and picked me up then he carried me up stair's bridal style then checked to see if my feet had any cut's or broken glass stuck in them i guess i was lucky that was'nt any thing no cut's or broken glass in my feet then he checked every where for a threat found none and then he got up to leave so i asked if he could stay till i fell a sleep and he said he would i woke up from a peace full sleep had my breakfast then started drinking my milk then yet a gain i dropped my empty glass on the floor then Jason came in saying that there is an intruder near the Forrest line looking at my bed room so Alpha Samual left to take care of it then my head started spinning then i had a burning sensation running through my body then every thing went black and now i woke up to you in my room what is going on '' Angel first of all you just mind linked me because you are not in human form and second you shifted in to a beautiful cat so you need to shift back '' i don't know how to change back could you help me mom please '' yes honey i will help you now all you have to do is picture a mirror then think of you're self as a human on what you look like,  about five minutes went past before she finally shifted back to her natural self and got dressed  Angel are you ready for some food now '' yes mom can i have a nice big glass of milk please '' yes you can sweetheart , ok Angel can you  set up the table please '' yes mom '' ok thank you Angel  '' mom the table is set need help with anything else '' aah yes can you take the bowl of pasta please '' got it mom and also the gravy boat '' ok can some one else help me please '' what else do you want me to get '' any thing you can carry 'ok mom got the cabbage and a jug of milk to '' angel when you put the cabbage on the table can you get the mashed potato's please '' yes mom i will do '' ok now that the chicken, bacon, eggs and everything else is done i can start to help put them on the table .  '' Thank you my deer sweet Cara for the meal i enjoyed it '' awe you're welcome CHATAN  how did you like you're food Angel  '' i enjoyed my mashed potato with cabbage and gravy i also loved drinking the milk '' how many Glass's of milk did you have '' about three or more thank you for the food mom '' you're welcome sweetie i am going to wash the plate's now can you help me CHATAN '' yes i will  i just already took five plate's in already '' thank you Hawk ( CHATAN )  '' hey mom can i go get a shower and then go to bed i am very tired '' yes you can Ang-el '' so did you notice Angel was a bit distant tonight at dinner '' yeah i did and she just asked if she could have a shower and then go to sleep i turned around to face her and Angel was already a sleep '' Cara thank you  for the wonderful food '' oh you're welcome Alpha CHAYTON can you please take Angel upstair's please '' yeah i was going to do that i just wanted to ask if you wanted me to stay with her only until she settles into sleep '' wait a second you would do that for her '' yes i would and i already have done '' yes please now go before she fall's off the cha-ir ( THUD ) what on Mother Earth was that so all three of us ran back to the dinnig room and not see Angel  CHATAN where is she  '' relax Cara Angel is right here i will take her up to bed now '' thank you CHAYTON good night .


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