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"DON'T TOUCH ME!" I roared, mimicking that of a bear. My skin was scorching red and I could hardly move.

"I wasn't the one who forgot to reapply my SPF 100." Chris snorted, drying his hair with his towel. I was laying face down on the bed, red from head to toe, in a strapless bikini. Worst decision I've ever made. Soon the bedspread was hot and uncomfortable.

"Want some aloe, or-" Chris offered, but I started screaming again. It's nice that he puts up with me.

"No!! Aloe burns! I need the moisturizer I brought." I cried. Every time I moved a muscle, severe pain shot all over my body. One tiny wrinkle in my skin resulted excruciating agony.

"Okay! Okay! Sorry. Take a cold shower or something." He mumbled, digging through my bag. I didn't move. It hurt so badly. I felt a warm hand on my shoulder and flinched away.

"Okay. Drink some water. Take a shower. I'm sorry I brought you here." Chris sighed, helping me up.

"Told you so." I sniffed, tip toeing into the beautiful marble bathroom. We'd been here three days and on the one we went to the beach, the ONE day we went outside, this happened. We were only out for what? What was that? Right. Two hours.

I crawled into the shower, screaming as the icy water hit my skin. It soon became hot, and my temperature no different. I was burning up.

Even grazing the soap over my sore epidermis was almost unbearable. I somehow got through it, but I couldn't lift my arms to wash my hair. Husbands come in handy sometimes. He expertly wrapped my hair in a towel after that, and I covered myself in the thick, clear lotion that made it easier to move.

Sighing, I laid atop the covers and Chris burrowed into them. He was lightly pinked, the rest of his skin already a rich shade of tan. I could never tan. Always the same, pale, ghostly white. Until the sun changes that into bright red for weeks. Then back to being white.

He flipped through the TV channels and ordered us a lobster. How sweet. He hates seafood. I'm glad he picked all-inclusive, or this would've been a lot of money.

We ate, and then snuggled down for bed. After a few minutes, I felt a hand on my thigh. "No." I growled, slightly amused. Only slightly.

"Well. I had to try."

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