I strode over to where Miss Giddy was, my eyes briefly scanning over the spines of books. Most of them were beyond recognizable, their names scribbled or burned or scratched away. I knew most of them only by their color or by a certain rip or stain. I leaned close to Miss Giddy's ear,

     "What do you think we should use for the war pups? I believe they are just about ready for books." I murmured, running my fingertips over the stacks gingerly.

     The old woman thought about it, her own gaze flicking from spine to spine, "Ah," she smiled, "here we are." She slid a thin book out from its home. This was one of the few that had its name intact. It was called Where The Wild Things Are. A silly drawing of a furry monster and a child dressed in a white cloth decorated the front.

     I returned her grin, "Perfect. They'll love that one."

     The sound of a group of engines starting caught my attention. I broke away from Miss Giddy and walked to the edge of the vault, where you can see through the hole-filled dome of a ceiling. At once I spotted Furiosa's gigahorse emerging from the garage, trailed by the rest of the fleet and the war rig Jr. I furrowed my brow with confusion. What were they all leaving for?

     That's when a puff of scarlet grabbed my attention. I narrowed my eyes up at it, my blood chilling in my veins. A war boy flare. That couldn't be good. I watched in silence as the flock of vehicles shrunk more and more into the distance. It has to be urgent, or else Feral and Furiosa wouldn't have decided on taking everyone out there. I absently began to braid my hair again, wanting to keep my hands busy. No one else in the vault seemed to notice the scene unfolding before my eyes.


     I gave a start, and my curly hair slipped from my fingers. A group of footsteps rumbled through the hallways, as well as gruff voices of men. My heart skipped a beat within me, and I rushed to the door, reaching out to open it-

     It burst open, knocking me backwards. Gastown boys flooded into the room, their faces obscured with gas-masks and goggles. Cries of shock crackled through the air, as well as the sound of Angharad whimpering. I scrambled to my feet, my breath coming out in quick, sharp gasps. One of the men lunged for me, arms outstretched. I darted out of the way, and he stumbled and fell flat on his stomach.

     Madness exploded throughout the vault. The men began to tear everything apart, scattering the books on the floor and overturning the beds. In addition to this, they were actively trying to grab us and drag is away. Cheedo had ran to the bedroom, where The Dag was fighting to keep a Gastown boy away while not dropping her baby. Toast leaped to her feet, whipping her gun up and firing. The bullet whizzed past me and met its mark in the back of the man terrorizing The Dag. He collapsed to the floor with a thud.

     Another figure dashed through the vaults gaping maw. All whites and blacks with two bright blue eyes. A wave of relief crashed down on me. It was Nux. He skidded to a halt to drink in the scene before him for only a moment before rushing to help The Dag.

     I moved to follow him, but an arm wrapped itself around my throat. I sucked in a futile gulp of air, my hands gripping skin. The Gastown boy above me cackled, and proceeded to yank me backwards. Panic swept over my body, and I reached up and shoved the man's goggles aside, then dug my nails into his eyes. He screamed with agony and released me, falling to his knees.

     I whipped my head from side to side, seeing who needed my help. Toast was pulling her gun back from a man who was attempting to twist it from her hands. The Seed Mother was fighting viciously against a man nearly a head taller than her, but seemed to be winning nevertheless. Cheedo and Nux were covering for The Dag, pushing the soldiers back with their blows. Miss Giddy was pinned to the nearest wall, with a Gastown boy tracing a knife tip across her throat mockingly, wanting to frighten her.

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