Chapter 10 - The Date

Start from the beginning

"I feel so grown up," April giggled.

Peter smiled, she rarely giggled. He raised his glass to make a toast. She giggled again and raised her glass as well.

"To us, and a bright, happy, adventurous future together!"

She laughed, and said in a teasing voice, "You would add the adventurous part. I think we have had plenty of adventures, don't you?"

He shot her a mischievous look, "One can never have too many adventures, right?"

"That's one thing I love about you Peter, you are never afraid of the next thing. So confident and in control. It amazes me."

"And, I love that you trust me. Among other things..."

" to share?" she asked, taking a sip of her wine.

He leaned closer, "I love that your beauty is not only on the outside, but extends to every part of who you are. I have never met someone so kind and gracious, who loves with all of who they are. And, I have met plenty of people and beings," he added with a smile.

"Thank you," she said blushing, "And, I love the way you make me feel safe. In case I have not said it before, thank you for protecting me. You are so good at it."

He winked at her, "I've had a bit of practice."

~~Section Break~~

Warmed from the wine and rich food, they walked leisurely arm-in-arm to the dance hall. They heard the music long before they got there. It was crowded and they had to wait in line to get in. April shivered in the cool night air. He put his arm under her cloak around her waist and pulled her next to him. She sighed and put her head on his shoulder. All too soon, they were inside where it was very warm. They found a place to hang her cloak and his coat. He rolled up his sleeves, took off his tie and unbuttoned the top button of his shirt breathing in relief. She smiled flirtatiously at him and quickly unbuttoned the next button as well.

"What was that for?" he asked, his eyes lighting up.

"It will keep you cooler. Besides, you look great that way!"

He tried to pull her toward him, but she smiled, grabbed his hand, and led him to the dance floor.

The band was just beginning a fast paced number perfect for swing dancing and so they joined the fray. Peter thought how much he loved dancing her with her and marveled at how differently they moved together than they had just six months ago at the spring formal almost as if they anticipated each other's next steps. They danced until they were out of breath and then the band switched to a slower song. She started to move off of the floor since they usually stopped to get a drink and to catch their breath, but he wasn't ready to let her go. He pulled her back to him.

"Don't you want to rest?" she asked.

"Not yet," he murmured into her ear as he pulled her close and led her into a simple foxtrot step. They had not done this dance much, but she instinctively matched his steps and moved as one with him. He pressed her closer.

"I love dancing with you," he said softly. "You are the only dance partner I ever want to have."

She melted slightly more into him in response. As the music faded away and the band prepared to take a break, Peter reluctantly pulled away and looked into her eyes. They had a soft, warm look in them and he would have kissed her only people were pushing past them.

They grabbed a drink of water from the cooler. He knew they wouldn't be served anything stronger because of their age. Besides, it would not be wise in his current state of mind to drink anything that might lessen his self-control. All the tables were full, so they leaned against the wall talking. She surprised him by echoing his thoughts from earlier, saying they danced so well together, and how different it felt now than back in the spring.

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