Chapter 25

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Galasdir was waking around the hallway. He found Sabriel talking to someone in the library. He went to peek at the door,wanted to go in but the sound of someone spoke in a majestic voice. It was his father. He was surprised to hear his father was happy. He watched Sabriel and King Thranduil  talking with each other. He left to the dining hall to meet the others. Helena,Anderson,William and Wizzle was talking about their plans . Aiden, Kristen and the two hobbits,Smithy and France was making something. 

"Hey, Kristen. May I have a word?" asked Galasdir.

"Sure." said Kristen.

"Where are you going, dear sister?" asked Aiden.

"I will be right back,brother. Just accompany Smithy and France to their baking cupcakes competition." said Kristen,following Galasdir out to The Willow Tree Garden.

At The Willow Tree Garden, they both sat at the bench  under the willow tree , near the lake. 

"What is it,Galasdir?" asked Kristen.

"Well, I need more tips." said Galasdir.

"What tips?" asked Kristen.

"Well, I think you know it." said Galasdir.

"Oh....right. You mean Sabriel?" asked Kristen.

" Yes..." said Galasdir.

"Well, the only think is that you made something for her. An example , a bow and a set of arrows." suggested Kristen.

"A bow? A quiver with the set of arrows?" asked Galasdir. Kristen nodded. "Where can I get it?"

"Perhaps in the smith workshop." said Kristen. "Oh! I know someone who can help us. Follow me!"

Kristen and Galasdir went to town in the White Kingdom. They found the smith workshop. It is called: 'Elven Workshop'

"Elven Workshop?" asked Galasdir, putting down his hood.

"It is the famous workshop in the White Kingdom." said Kristen ,entering the workshop. 

They both entered the workshop and saw many blacksmith,making swords and other weapons. There were dwarves to make the axes and spears, humans and elves were to make swords, bow and arrows. The smith workshop is warm.

"Don't lose yourself in this workshop. It's really big and don't touch anything." warned Kristen.

"Alright." said Galasdir.

They entered into an office. A dwarf was standing at the door . 

"Yes?" asked the dwarf.

"I would like to see Sir Aralavan. " stated Kristen.

"Who are you?" asked the dwarf. 

"We need to see him. Immediately." said Kristen.

"Very well." said the dwarf,opening the large oak door.

The oak door opened revealed an office. there is no one inside there.

"Sir. Someone wants to see you." said the dwarf. 

"Bring them in." said a voice. 

"Here you go, miss." said the dwarf,closing the door.

Galasdir gulped and Kristen took a deep breath. 

"Um...sir? " asked Kristen.

"Ah... what can I do for you ?" asked the man.

"Sir Aralvan , do you remember me?" asked Kristen.

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