Chapter 23

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Sabriel went to investigate the matter which was hidden behind her back. What points as in every of her other friends, including her best friend, tell her not about why are they concern. Within those days, Thranduil had been staring at her, followed her in silence.

One fine afternoon, Kristen, Aiden, William, Wizzle, Helena, Anderson, Smithy and  France went to the library. They sat at the corner in a circle and have their private  discussion.

"What do you think of Sabriel? " asked William.
"Stress out I guess. " said Aiden.
"No, she is not. She is so suspicious and mysterious. She will soon revealed and unlocked the secret that we had been hiding. " said Kristen.
"What secret? " asked Anderson.
"Never mind. You will never get it. " said Kristen.
"Please do tell us. You can trust us, lass. " said Wizzle.
"Are you people trustable? " asked Kristen.
"That's a rhetorical question, Kristen. " said Helena.
"Of course, we will never tell anyone." said Smithy.
"There is an arrangement of marriage between Sabriel and....Mirkwood. " said Kristen.
"Mirkwood? " asked Wizzle, in confusion.
"Yes. " said Kristen.
"Oh, I heard that. King Hrivë once said that he will arrange a marriage to unite the White Kingdom and Greenwood. " said William.
"How did you know that?" asked Kristen.
"Well, I did travel and learn about her. " said William bluntly.
"Oh... And? " asked
France."Sabriel is…?"
"Before King Thranduil become the king of Greenwood, he was engaged to  Sabriel. But  because of her stubborness, she called off the wedding. Once King Hrivë heardwhat his daughter had done, quickly apologize to King Oropher. A few days later, Lady Salucia took over the kingdom. Sabriel fought but lost, in the hand of the throne, she was banished. During that time, King Thranduil was already crowned as king married out of love. She was the one important to him. But Sabriel does not show affection only coldness." said William.
"Whoa... I never knew her history. The hardship of life she had face. " said Anderson.
"Let us hope she won't find out." said Kristen. "Now, Thranduil is back. He will do whatever he wants to get Sabriel to his side. He feels for her. Not his dead wife."
"I know but he is not getting her!" said Smithy confidently.
"Smithy!" exclaimed France.
"Apology. " said Smithy.

Everyone left the library. They do not know one of Sabriel's spy is there. The spy quickly slipped away and informed Sabriel about this matter.

"So, this is what the secret about." said Sabriel, fiddling her fingers.
"Yes, my lady. " bowed the spy. Sabriel gave the spy a bag of gold coins and dismissed the spy.
"You will face me, my dear companions. Why do you do such things to me? " asked Sabriel to herself after the spy left her room.


Days passed, Sabriel went for training in the barracks. No one dares to disturb her. She trained in order to let out the anger in her heart.

"Nice move. " said a voice as Sabriel kicked the dummy's abdomen.
"What are you doing here, my lord? " asked Sabriel.
"To see you and how you train." he smirked.
"I apologize for I will not be attending your games,my lord. " snarled Sabriel.
"Very well, are you good in archery? " asked Thranduil.
"That's a rhetorical question, my  lord. " said Sabriel coldly.
"Then, challenge me in a hand of sword fighting since you are to prove it. " smirked Thranduil.
"Why do you challenge me to a sword fight? " asked Sabriel.
"To prove yourself. Infact, you will have to fight with someone who is excel in it. " said Thranduil.
"You are referring to yourself? " Sabriel raised an eyebrow.
"Mores or less. " said Thranduil.

Suddenly, the horn sounded from the east. It's the emergency horn.
"Lady Sabriel! Lady Sabriel! " called Arasdir.
"Yes? " asked Sabriel.
"An army of orcs marched to the Eastern Village. They are attacking the village. " informed Arasdir.
"Prepare for war. " ordered Sabriel. "The Eastern Village's defense must be hold or the kingdom will burn. " said Sabriel.
"Yes, my lady. " bowed Arasdir.
"Are you sure about this? " asked Thranduil.
"My lord, but to forgive me, you seems to forget something, I am the Lady Warrior. " said Sabriel.

She left the barracks and stripped into her war armor. She prepared her weapons. As she was walking to the stable, an arm pulled her.

"Must you go? " asked William.
"Of course. Stay. " said Sabriel.
"Have you learn not about the stubborness of Dwarf? " asked Kristen, holding the reins of the horse.
"We are off with you. Even it means death. " said Galasdir.

Sabriel nodded and saddled up Eryn Numen. Her army rode to war. The 700 guards will not hold. Helena will lead the another half to the back of the Village and rescue the citizens there.

Sabriel and her companions rode to the Eastern Village. She saw the orcs attacking her kingdom made her blood boiled. The orcs snarled at them and the two sides charged.

Soon, the blood scattered on the battlefield. But then, what went wrong was there is another army of orcs attacked them from behind.

Sabriel's army grew less and so the number of soldiers decreased. Soon, they were all surrounded. The orcs chanted.

Suddenly, the sky turned dark and Sabriel's appearance change. So as Kristen. The pandora key glowed.

"VASKINAS DUOAS ŇÖMER KÄÏMAŠ SÀ! (Ring of Death, burn them with your power.) " chanted Sabriel.
"CHAŹIË ŇOS QUIŁÉ! (Until the end)" continued Kristen.

A strong light occur and BOOM! The orcs only screeched and screamed as the light touched the skin. Soon, an explosion occur and the light died down, revealed the army of orcs were gone.

Sabriel and Kristen fell onto the ground, unconscious. The companions took then back to the palace for treatment.

A few days they recovered from their state.

"Sabriel, why do you act so reckless?" asked King Hrivë, visiting his only daughter in her chamber.
"Father, it's in my nature. I can't change who I am. " said Sabriel.
"You scared me, Sabriel. I thought I lost you. " hugged Galasdir. 
"Galasdir, my dear friend, I am fine. Just tired. " said Sabriel.
"Well, we will have a party then. " said Wizzle.

They all laughed at Wizzle's statement.

"How is Kristen? " asked Sabriel.
"She is well, have not awake from her sleep. " said Anderson.
"Alright. Let me get up and see her. " said Sabriel.
"No! Don't do that. I don't you to get hurt. " said Galasdir in concern.
"Of course, mother. " said Sabriel, sarcastically.
"Please, my lord, do leave. It's time for the casualty to rest. " said a healer.

Everyone left the room then and continued their work.


AUTHOR NOTES ; Greetings people, here's another chapter. I am so sorry if this part is a bit strange. Anyway, have a good day. Thanks for reading! :)

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