Chapter 1: Part I

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This is my first time writing a fanfic, and I hope you like it. Please leave comments, suggestions and feedback are very much appreciated! Vote if you like it!

(F/n) means first name

(H/l) means hair length

(E/c) means eye color

Caution: not edited

Well, here goes!


One day, in Fairy Tail...

"LUCYYY!!" Natsu and Gray shouted over each other.

"Oh great, what is it this time?" A blonde girl huffed from her seat at the bar.

"I won that fight, right?!" The boys yelled together.

"Hey don't copy me!" Natsu shouted, the two wizards head to head

"Why would I copy you, you stupid-"

"Gray, your clothes," Cana reminded the shirtless ice mage for the fifth time that morning.

Gray looked down at his exposed chest, "Agh what! Not again! "

"Would you quit stripping!" Natsu shouted as he threw another punch.

"You never even wear a real shirt!" Gray countered.

"Guys cut it out!" Lucy said, only to find herself tripping over a sleeping blue cat and knocking over Cana's barrel in the process.

"Hey what's the big idea!" She yelled. "I was drinking that!"

"I don't have to use magic to predict another fight," an oddly delighted Mirajane stated. Sure enough, the entire guild began brawling. Tables, chairs, drinks, plates, and even people were thrown wildly across the guildhall.

All hell was breaking loose when you enter the guildhall. You just barely managed to dodge a flying chair as you opened the door. So this is the new Fairy Tail?

"HEY!!!" You shouted over the chaos.

Everyone froze. Even Gray and Natsu stopped fighting to gawk at you. You haven't seen the boys in years. Gray has grown since you last saw him, and you might even say he was handsome if he wasn't such a jerk (and a stripper).

"(F/n)!" Mira exclaims,"you're back!"

"It's been a while." You instantly perk up at her cheerfulness. You hadn't realized how much you missed Fairy Tail. Seeing everyone again made you so happy, and you regretted ever leaving. Tears of joy swelled up in your eyes, but you forced them away. Remembering your purpose, you said, "I'm here to see my brother, Natsu Dragneel."

Natsu suddenly charged towards you. You thought he was mad at you for disappearing so long ago, but instead of attacking, he embraced you in a fierce hug.

"(F/n)," He said. "Where have you been?" You returned the warm embrace. You didn't think you'd ever see him again, but he was here. You cried into Natsu's shoulder, unable to hold back the tears any longer.

"Hey, what's wrong?"  He asked. You looked at him with teary (e/c) eyes. Seeing the lively guild made you happy, something you hadn't felt in years, and you knew that you couldn't ruin it with your own problems. It was hard to believe you were actually here. What if this is just a dream? You thought. But looking around at everybody, you knew it was real.

Finally, you thought, "I'm home."


A crowd gathered as you explained what happened in the past few years. You felt bad lying about the last part, but it was better not to worry them. Though it didn't matter either way. The important thing is that you're here, surrounded by the wizards of Fairy Tail once again. Some have offered 'welcome back's' and other greetings, though one person didn't seem all that happy to see you.

"Hold it right there!" Gray shouted,"I still have a score to settle!"

"Gray, how nice of you to welcome me back. arrogant as ever," You rolled your eyes.

"You think you're so tough!"

"Do you always pick fights with girls?"

"You want a fight? I'll beat you just like I beat your brother!"

"I DID NOT LOSE!!!" Natsu shouted.

"There's no way I'd lose to you!" You shouted. "I'll prove it!"

And with that, the whole guild was brawling again. The three of you never let up on each other. Gray, Natsu, and you - just like old times.

"That's quite enough," a booming voice echoes through the room, causing everyone to fall silent.

"Erza." You smile, getting yourself away from Gray (whose hand gripped your pink hair in an attempt to pull it out) and Natsu (whose face you had pinned against the floorboards). "It's good to see you again!"

"You too, (f/n)."

"Will someone please tell me what's going on!!!" Screams the blonde

We all look at her. Gray lets out a soft chuckle.

"Sorry, I almost forgot about you, Lucy," Gray's comment obviously offended the girl, but he doesn't notice. "This is Natsu's twin sister, (f/n). We haven't seen her in years."

"(F/n)," Natsu smiles, " this is Lucy, she's new to the guild, a celestial wizard!" He says proudly as he drapes he arm around her.

"Nice to meet you!"

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