A quick chat

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I've been excluded/suspended for well dumb shit.

I was like all my pe class on my phone (Emon #2) and my teacher tried to take it and I wouldn't as everyone else has theirs. She got another teacher to remove me and I refused. They called my mum to come collect me and made her get me out of class trying to embarrass me. Didn't work I jumped up said hi and went bye guys I'm going home. It was fun. Now my mums pissed at Mr I'm a dick (Mr dix) and I'm hungry so yeah. I'm finding this unfair u know. I just need to say this and putting on Twitter 'Once again excluded 😆 top bants' don't really count.

Thanks please give me plots to do. I have an extra 3 hours to write and want to use that time.

Hugs kisses and peace ✌🏻️

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