1/ Dream Girl?!

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Dream Girl- SHINee

Jae Hee POV~

"Jae Hee, you okay? Still adapting well?" My older sister fired a bunch of questions at me. Ever since she left to the States to study, she have been totally worried.

"Mmm.. I'm fine.." I grimaced at the bruises on my body. Dark blue-black dotted my skin beneath the amount of clothes I am wearing.

"Okay, bye!" She said cheerily, and hung up.

"Who are you talking to?!" A low voice interrupted my thoughts.

"Yuri eonni, oppa." I replied monotone.

He is freakin possessive. I am not allowed to talk to any other guy, clearly everyone except for his group of lackeys.

"Is she okay?" He softened his tone, like he does every time I mention about my older sister.


"Is she still with that bast***?" He growled slightly at this.

I nodded my head. Just slightly.

"Answer me! Is that a yes or a no?!" He slapped me hard on my face. I fell back to the floor with a crash. He then turned back, and left me lying on the floor in pain. I stood up painfully, telling myself that it was okay, he is just angry, it's my fault.

The next day<

"Jae Hee-ah... Wake up now! School starts soon.." Minho hollered from the kitchen.

Rubbing my eyes, I woke up with the smell of bacon wafting into my nose.

See, I knew it. It was my fault yesterday.. He always treats me better after that.

I walked to the kitchen blearily, and saw him grinning at me. I gave him a small smile in return. He walked over and gave me a gentle kiss, which unfortunately split open the cut on my lip. Tasting the blood, he pulled away, and gestured me to clean up my face.

I dabbed my lips with lip balm, a load of it. It still hurt.

He held my hand as we walked to school. As usual, I could hear the murmurs when I walk with him. Of course, my boyfriend is class president, soccer star and most importantly, one of the most hottest guys in school.

He smiled at everyone, especially those girls. And I can't help but feel a growing sense of uneasiness.

One of the girls with bleached blond hair strutted over to him, and practically wrenched my hand away from his, and replaced it with her manicured ones. Somehow, it looks like talons from my perspective.

Minho smiled at her sweetly, and gently removed her hand away. She looked shocked, like 'Did he just remove my hand?!' Yep, he just did.

He then grabbed my hand, and smirked at everyone. All my feeling of hating him because of his violence instantly vanished, replacing it was giddiness.

As he walked me to my class, I heard all the whispers behind me. Minho squeezed my hand gently, as if to reassure me that it was okay.

Outside of the class, as if to show off his possession, he gave me a long sweet kiss in front of everyone.

I hugged him, and hastily went into class, where both guys and girls stared at me enviously.

"Jae Heeee~!" My best friend, Jungkook called me, and pulled me in for a hug.

I pushed him away. He knew Minho hated anyone touching me, but he still did it anyway. Taemin, Minho's friend, sauntered over to my table, hissing at me, "Stop flirting, or you'll know it."


"Seriously. I don't even know why you stay with that guy." Jungkook sighed.

"He's my boyfriend." I said matter-of-factly.

"Who?" A new voice joined out conversation.

"Jin oppa." I greeted him glumly.

"Hey, your guy is out there with JeA." Jin told me.

"So?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Hello? He's your boyfriend, and he is flirting with another girl!" Jungkook said ignorantly.

"He has his freedom. I don't own him." I replied glumly, but jealousy rose up.

"Woah, Can you be my girlfriend? I wanna have someone like you." Jin spread his arms wide, and tried hugging me.

I pushed him off roughly, and he fell to the ground.

"Yah! Bi***! Enough okay?! You'll hurt Jin oppa! Go back to Minho oppa, you!" A girl came over, and slapped me on my face.

Jungkook seeing that she slapped me, rushed over. He held my face in his hands, and examined it closely. After scrutinizing, he grabbed my hand and pulled me somewhere.

"Who did it to you? I know it's not because Hana slapped you just now. It's an old wound." Jungkook asked seriously.

I wanted to laugh, he has never been so serious in his whole life.

I giggled a little, "It's okay."

"It's not! Who? Who is it?" He held my wrist really hard, because of the bruises, I winced.

Seeing that, he pulled up my sleeve, and saw all the various shapes and sizes of bruises I have.

He gasped, and someone clapped him on the shoulder. "O-new oppa..." I stammered. Minho trusted him the most, because he was quiet, and never spilled any secret.

"What do you want?" Jungkook spoke up beside me.

I nudged him, if he didn't stop now, Minho will get it back at me.

"Jae Hee is coming with me, Minho wants to see you." He said quietly, gesturing me to walk with him.

I shook Jungkook's hand off mine, and started walking towards Onew.

"Hey, Onew sunbae! Since I have business with Minho sunbae, let's go together?" Jungkook asked cheekily, mischief shining in his eyes. He linked his hands with mine, and dragged me to Onew's side.

"He wants to see Jae Hee alone." Putting emphasis on alone, he glanced at our interlinked hands with sort of disapproval.

I unlatched my hands with him quickly, and urged,"Jungkook, just go." I think he sensed my seriousness, and unwillingly left.

"I think you won't want me to mention this to Minho, do you?" He asked me. I nodded. "So you know, Taemin already told it Minho that the Jungdook guy keeps sticking to you. Be careful." He warned.

"Jungkook." I corrected him instantly.

"You know what I mean."

We walked in silence.


Annyeong to all new readers! :)

This is my first FF, so it might not be why you have expected. 😁

But please continue reading, and vote! ❤️

*I am a proud Shawol, and Minho is my bias, so any Shawols reading this, please don't take offense! :/

If readers want their own bias to appear for cameo, please msg me privately, or leave a comment! :)

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