
Clyde pulled up to the park with Sofia quickly setting up her camera with excitment. Emily waved to Bryon quickly who walked over to the truck dressed nicely in his suit. She jumped out of the truck and attacked him with a hug. They compliment each other, saying mushy things to each other that made me want to puke.

I saw Mat, Killian, Tamaz, and Zakaria near the fountain. Zakaria back was facing my way but I could see him tell he was wearing a black button shirt that was a slim fitting so it was tight on his body. It only made his muscles appear. He had on black dress pant with a black belt and black shoes.

Mat smiled at us and pointed at the truck. Zakaria turned around and I clunched the handle of the door. His face was free from a beard, his skin smooth and clear. He actually looked younger now, he looked twenty years old. His light brown hair was pushed back neatly instead of the usual 'I-Just-Got-Out-Of-Bed' look.

Sofia and Clyde had already stepped out of the car while I remained inside. Sofia arched her eyebrow at me from behind the window and I didn't wanna leave the truck. I wanted to stay in here, tell Clyde to take me back home, and not leave my room until Zakaria was out of the country!

God, he looked handsome.

Sofia forced the door open, "Don't make me drag you, little girl." she said, giving me a look that told me she wasn't playing. I looked at the others who were coming over and my hands felt moist.

I crawled out of the truck and nervously held my hands together.

"Wow!" Mat said, smiling brightly. Emily came over and Mat chuckled, "God you both look amazing. Bryon, you better make sure Emily home by the time Clyde gave you or I'm getting you." she said teasingly which Bryon laugh but Emily glared at her because Mat would track them down.

I tried to aviod eye contact with Zakaria but I couldn't help but take a peek at him which he caught me and grinned. I quickly turned my heated up face as my eyes widen a little.

Alpha Tamaz smiled at me, "What a beautiful dress, Aeriela. You're sure to make allot of girls jealous tonight."

I shrugged, "I'm just happy to be going. Even if I was just in a potato sack."

"Sorry I could not get you one of those flowers that go around your wrist." Zakaria said, stepping into view.

I cleared my throat, "It's fine, I don't need one."

"You look very beautiful." he said. "I have never seen a dress like this before."

I looked down at it, "Yeah, newer types are coming out. You look nice to. . .I guess." I stupidly said so now I just wanted to hit myself. Stupid Ellie, you guess? We both stood there then quietly as the other talked.

Sofia was quick to snap pictures. I let Emily and Bryon go first since I was a little camera shy. Emily and Bryon did allot poses, allot of cute and funny ones. Then with some Mat before Mat took photos of her with Clyde and Sofia.

"Ellie, your turn." Sofia said as she took the camera back and skimmed through the photos she took of Emily and her date.

I just stood there for a moment before Zakaria put his behind my back and moved us towards the fountain. My eyes widen a little and I turned to face him.

"Okay, please don't look so stiff." Sofia said, looking annoyed. "Ellie." she warningly said.

I groaned before looking up at Zakaria and put my hand on his shoulder. He put one arm around my waist. I heard Sofia snapping pictures even before we turned to look at the camera and I forced a smile. It seemed to go on forever, Sofia wanting to do this and that.

Call Of The Wild. Book ii.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя