#5 - A Dinner Date?

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"So where do you fancy going, [Y/N]?" You looked around aimlessly in the taxi as you and Benedict were driven around in the middle of London. "[Y/N]?" You began to fiddle with your dress, anxiously because you didn't know what was going to happen. "[Y/N] is everything all right?" You were still looking at your dress and then you turned your head left, Benedict lips brushing on your cheek. 

"I'm okay, it just... I really shouldn't be here. I should be at home. I shouldn't be a burden, you have so many other things to be doing right now-" Benedict pressed his finger onto your lips, stopping you from talking anymore. 

"You, [Y/N] are not a burden, okay? Now, how about that dinner? I am starving. What do you fancy?" Benedict took his finger off your lip so you could finally breath through your mouth. He began to give some directions to the driver and you were curious about where he was going to take you. 

After about fifteen minutes of hearing Benedict chat to the driver, the cab finally stopped, Benedict exiting the vehicle and rushed to open the door for you. 

"Here we are!" He held out his hand for you to take and you automatically did. You saw him smile as you and him walked near the entrance. It was ever so beautiful. There was a glistening waterfall and the colours were so vibrant. You let out a sigh of pleasure as you loved the atmosphere. "You like it? I'm sure it isn't the best for dinner but-"

"No, no, no. It's... wonderful. Thank you." He smiled at you, grabbing your hand. 

"It's nothing. Now, let's go and get some dinner." You bit your lip and was dragged by Benedict to the front desk. Many people stared at you as you were with a famous celebrity for dinner. Your cheeks burned and Benedict began to talk to one of the waiters. "Hello. Excuse me. Yes, sorry I need a table for two please." The waiter stared at Benedict continuously and he began to wave in order to grab his attention. "Sorry, I need a table for two. If you don't mind..." You began to chuckle under your breath. 

"Yes... sir... follow me..." The waiter grabbed two menus and walked you and Benedict over to the best seat in the restaurant. 

It was near a window and it had the great view of the waterfall you saw outside. You were quite a bit away from the choir which had played heart warming, classical pieces. 


"That was wonderful!" You blurted out as you slammed your back onto the chair. Benedict began to chuckle, urging the waiter to give him more alcohol. You were even offered, but you said no since you didn't want to be drunk going home. He drank the glass very quickly. Too quickly, but you thought it wouldn't do any harm. 

Throughout the whole evening, after you finished the meal, Benedict had let you in on so many stories. You were very interested to hear about them and paid attention to him as he talked. 

"And then..." Benedict took a large gulp of his glass. You had constantly seen it being filled up and you knew that he was drunk. You didn't know what to do so you carried on with the night. "... I told Steven to make sure that he did it! It was just, classic. It's wonderful playing Sherlock." You leaned your elbows on the table. 

"I'm guessing it is. It's a wonderful show. I adore watching it." You smiled, Benedict smiling back at you. 

"Well, [Y/N]. Thank you." You looked down the table, noticing that it was time to go home. The choir moved towards you and started playing a few songs. You and Benedict laughed awkwardly since every stared at your table. 

You also needed to go to the toilet.

"Hmm... I am going to pop to the loo. Why don't you pay and I will meet you outside?"

"Yeth." He slurred and you got up, grabbing your clutch bag and made your way to the toilets.

You watched him as you walked away, seeing him nearly fall over. He was really drunk and you were wondering how you were going to get home. It was going to be a small problem of yours, but a good one. 


Thank you for reading :) I have 120 reads, I am extremely happy :3 

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