Chapter Twenty-Four

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    My nerves about the guards capturing me became worse over the next few days of solitary in my cave. I had made sure that only when I go out, is when I get water, hunt safely on the other side of the lake, or to refresh my stack of wood. I didn't go outside for no reason. And I was safe to do, that even any sound, I would check outside before doing anything, in case it's the guards. And I have a new strategy that I came up with, too. Pretend that I'm a lone, helpless phyco girl that wanted to live out in the forest. What is funny, is that part of that lie is true.

   Bear, well, he's the worst part about all of this. He has to go out constantly to do something. I let him run around once a day, because he's a cat and he needs excerise. But I have to hunt twice as much to feed both me and him for a day. He knows, though, that when I let him out, he's ought to go get a drink because I don't let him out of my cave anymore. And over the days, I made him a new little scoop in my cave, next to my bed, but near the fire for warmth. It's a little hole in the ground similar to what my food lies in, except bigger to fit his growing lynx body. I stuffed the bottom of his little scoop with moss and leaves, so he will be reminded of outside. I don't have to refresh the moss yet, but soon I will have to.

   Bear loves to watch the fire crackle, I had observed when he came here. First he was frightened, but learned that it wasn't going to hurt him if he doesn't touch it. Now, H\he loves to rest his head on his big paws and stare into the fire, blinking slowly and thinking no doubt. I love to pet him on his head, and think about how weird it is I have a pet lynx in my cave with me. But he is, and I take advantage over that. But I treat him like a normal cat, like my old cat, Thrush. Anything Thrush would do, I let Bear do. Go outside, play in the yard, chase birds, eat scraps.

   To keep myself busy whilst in my cave, I make things out of wood that my mother taught me. A willow whistle made out of two pieces of willow wood. I work on my arrows, too, making more of them. Right now, I'm watching Bear while making my bow stronger.

   I hear a sigh from Bear, and I look over to see he's fallen asleep. I smile and gently pet him once down his pelt, then return my hand to the bow I'm working on. 

   A soft, cold breeze blows through the door. It smells like... oh, dang it. Snow? Hopefully it doesn't snow, or else I'll have to start making some mittens and hats and all those things to keep me warm this winter.

   I stop to think. When's winter? When's right now? I think of the weeks passed. I first stayed here in July, then... lots of weeks passed, I guess. So my calculations would be only the end of August. That seems too soon for snow to come. Maybe it's only rain. Then I freeze once more. How will I get back to my family? How will they know when to come find me, or where to come find me? I didn't give them much of a hint in the note I gave to them before I left. I guess I will have to figure that out when the time comes for me to leave. And Bear... what about him? Surely my papa and mom wouldn't want a lynx living with the new baby they're going to have. That's another thought, also. The new baby is the reason I want to go back before winter. One of the reasons, anyways. I want to see my new brother or sister right after they're born.

   But right now, I have to take care of Bear. I have to feed and love him for the short ammount of time I have with him.

   Suddenly, before I know even what I'm doing or saying, I start to soflty sing, "Deep in the meadow... under the willow..." What was that, and where did I hear that from? It's a familiar song, and those lyrics...

   They were on the building.

    That's where they come from! A song! I sit up straight quickly, startling Bear. I remember that song. Veaguly, but I do.

   "... a bed of grass," I sing, the lyrics all flooding my brain with memories. "a soft green pillow. Lay down your head, and close your sleepy eyes. And when again they open, the sun will rise." Where did I learn that song? School, maybe?

   No. It's not from school. It can't be. I try to think harder. I think of all the places I heard songs from before. School.... and my house. Those are the only two. I know for a fact I didn't learn that or sing that at school, so that means its from my house. My mom. She's the one that used to sing to us. Now, she says her voice is bad and doesn't sing to us. Songs are rare in our house unless papa sings his little song from the bakery that he made up. (No offense to papa, but it's a bad song.)

   "Deep in the meadow," I say outloud. Those lyrics were written on the building, and Evan knew what I was talking about. Possibly he has heard that song before. But what does it mean, in accordance to the rebellion?

   I'm not a idiot, I think, referring to Evan. I know when something's involved in the rebellion, and I know when somebody's hiding something from me.

   And I absolutly despise it when people hide things from me. Even happy surprises, like when we got Thrush. Always hated surprises, or when people held things from me. It made me feel like I was not old enough, or couldn't handle things.

    I turn to Bear. "Don't you hate it when people don't tell you things?" 

   But, I get a differenct answer instead.

   "Your mother hated that too."

   I quickly sit up, nearly knocking my food into the fire. I look down at my unfinished bow and think to myself a curse. The string is gone, and no way can this protect me. I quickly reach to  the side and grab my knife from my backpack instead, that still lays there from the hunt for Evan.

   "Who's there?" I demand, knowing it's all over if it's the guards.

    "Why don't you come out and see?"

   I gulp. Clearly, I have no other choice here, rather than to go out and show myself. I look behind me. Maybe I can dig out... No. He would catch me anyways. I take a shakey sigh and start to crawl out. I raise my hands over my head and stand up on the other side of the door. I shut the door with my foot so Bear can't get out. I slowly let my gaze travel up a strong, lean body holding sticks and a gun in one hand. In the other, string. I look up at his face. It's a male, with short stubble for a beard, and hard, but gentle gray eyes.

   "What's your name?" I ask, knife still in hand.

    He smiles this incredible smile. "I'm a friend of your mother's." He shuffles and puts a hand in his hunter's jacket. I don't spend time wondering what the heck is in there, anyways. But the possiblities list in my mind. Gun... knife... handbomb...anything dangerous, really.

   "What's your name?" I demand more feircely, even though the fear inside me is about to shake my hand so I drop my only stupid weapon.



ok, so i actually have a REASON and an EXPLANATION for this short chapter :D it's a cliff hanger! yay! like, one of my first ones. i will have the next chapter up shortly, kk? thank you guys for voting, reading, and commenting wonderful things!


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