Chapter Nine

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   Rye took very good care of the lynx cub. He had gotten goat milk to feed him everyday, and he always played with Bear. I always had a smile on my face as I watched those two bounce around. If I didn't know any better, I would think that Bear loved Rye back.

   I watch Rye feed Bear outside the next day after we found him. I leaned on the kitchen table and gazed out the door. Rye held him gently in his arms, and Bear gratefully leaned up and sucked on the old baby bottle full of milk. I smiled and watched as Bear sneezed, and Rye gently rubbed his back. It was sad that one day they would have to part. It was heartwarming to see a boy and a wild animal be so close with each other.

   I'm going to miss it here when we move. It's now only less than a month. So that means less than four weeks left in my old home. And they're going to start packing soon.

   So am I, but not for the same reason.

   When Rye stood up and put Bear back into his open cage, I turned from the window. The door opened and Rye stepped into the kitchen. Wordlessly, we walked over to the couch and pulled out a book. 

   I had an idea, then I walked quickly to my bedroom. I opened my drawer and pulled out the bullet I had found. That in hand, I walked back out of my room. I walked back to the couch Rye was sitting on, and I plopped down next to him. He put his book on his lap and gazed at me. I smiled and opened my palm, reveiling the bullet.

   "Here." I said. I opened up his fist and dropped it inside. "You can keep it."

   "Why?" Rye asked, looking up at me. Even now, I am always stunned at his beautiful gray eyes. They sparkled like the moon.

   I smiled. "I don't have a use for it. I figured that you could."

   Rye looked down at the old metal, and smiled. "Thanks. I was telling my friend about it, but he didn't believe me. Now I'll show him that I really do have it!"

   "Where's mom and dad?" I asked him.

   "Town." he replied.

   I waited for a moment, not knowing how to begin. "Are you happy about the new baby?" I asked him.

   "Of course!" Rye said happily. "I am going to love having a younger sibling. But no offense- you're awesome too." He wrapped his arm around my shoulder and hugged me briefly. I hugged him back. This was a rare moment between us. Yes, we are close, but almost never do we sit and talk about things like this.

   "Really?" I pressed. "Aren't you unhappy that mom and papa will be draining all their attention on the new baby for a while?"

   Rye looked down. "Well... I don't really mind that part. The only reason I don't really want to have a baby, is 'cause they're loud at night, I heard." I laughed at him, remembering when he was a baby.

   "You woke me up all the time!" I laughed. "Now, I guess this is my revenge." Rye narrowed his eyes playfully and punched my arm lightly. "You were stinky baby, too. I was always trying to get out helping changing you with mom."

   "Not 'uh." Rye said. "I bet you were stinkier than me."

   I shook my head. "Nope. No way any baby was stinkier than you." I pinched my nose, teasing him.

   "I bet you cried all the time!" Rye smiled. He raised his fists to his eyes and rubbed them. "Wah! Wah!"

   "Geeze, Rye." I shoved him. I sat there, quiet for a moment. Rye got a serious face on as he noticed something was bothering me.

   "What? Do... do you not want a new baby?" Rye asked.

   "Of course I do." I told him. "I can't wait."

Primrose MellarkWhere stories live. Discover now