I remember how much it hurt looking at his lifeless body, he wasn't dead yet, but he was going to be sooner or later. They told us to stay by his side and we did, I held his hand so tightly that my mother had to tell me to hold it a bit lighter, I couldn't, I knew what was coming our way, it hit me so hard that the tears ran down my face without warning. My dad begged them to leave us alone for a minute and with heavy hearts they did, his eyes found mine and he squeezed my hand harshly.

"I know," was all that he said in that moment, I was confused, my eyebrows were furrowed in confusion when he smiled at me and whispered, "Lauren, I know about you and Lauren, don't let her go baby girl, don't lose her."

I didn't know what to do so I just nodded, all this time I was planning the perfect speech, all this time that I've wasted, and he knew it all along didn't he? After all he was my father.

"Promise me, that you won't give up on your girl," he said and it took me by surprise, the machines in the room started going crazy, his eyes were darker, his hold on my hand lighter, I was losing him in front of my eyes, but before his eyes closed for the last time, before he took his last breath, he told me to fight for her, to respect her, every little thing he said was inked in my brain. He said goodbye to my mom and brother before his eyes took a last glance at his family, he had a little smile placed on his lips when he went away, that made it a bit easier, but nobody could prepare me for the pain that was coming my way.

I don't know how or when it happened, but I am currently standing in front of my mother's house, waiting for her to open the door. When the doors open I see a little girl, she is probably 4 years old nothing more standing there, I find myself thinking if mom moved away but when I hear a familliar voice coming from behind the little girl I freeze.

"Who is it sweetie?" A man asks and when our eyes meet, I can feel the first tear escaping from my eyes slowly. He stands there looking at me, a beautiful woman comes to his side and kisses his cheek as he stays stuck in his place looking at me. She turns her head towards the door, picking the little girl in her lap as she stares at me and my brother.

"What is going on in here?" I hear a voice, mom, she sounds so different, when she comes into the view I see her tired features, her eyes look so tired, her hair all grey, six years ago that woman looked younger than most of the ladies her age did, I guess time really changes people, she has wrinkles but they make her look beautiful.

"Y/N? Is that you?" She asks sounding surprised, worried, confused and I just stare, I stare at them, at brothers girlfriend and his daughter, they look happy together, what am I even doing here? They probably don't want me anywhere near them. I turn around on my heels and start walking towards my car, "Y/N stop! Where do you think you're going?" I hear my brother ask as he runs to my side.

"I don't even know what I am doing here Bryan, look at you all grown up, your girlfriend looks stunning by the way," I try to keep going but he interrupts me, "my wife. She is my wife Lia, we've been married for almost three years now, it's been rough and crazy especially since our daughter is in the picture but we are happy."

"Wait Lia? As your english teacher?" I smile at the thought, he had the biggest crush on his teacher in college, she was only eight years older than him he always said as he fantasized about her.

"Sounds weird huh? We spent days, months talking about how beautiful she was, how obssesed I was with her, but when you left there was no one there for me, she wanted to talk to me after one of the classes to tell me that she was disappointed over my grades, I used to be on top but suddenly I was barely passing. She offered some help and here we are now, happy together. Sometimes I wonder if dad did it on purpose. If he was the one who put her on my way, maybe he knew how much I liked her and he did something about it." It was hard to listen to him, when all I could think about was how I didn't get the invitation to the wedding, how I wasn't there to be his maid of honor, how my life wasn't as perfect as I thought it was for so long.

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