This New Schedule

Start from the beginning

Once I reach my locker I yank it open and use it as my shield from the prying eyes of others. I pull out my schedule from my bag looking it over once more. I don't know if I have any classes with Lucas but I know I have at least one with Quinn, studio art, the same class we had last semester.

I'm not looking forward to second period at all but it comes too soon.

My first class is science which has no one I really know except Lacy and her best friend. I decide to make the best of it and find the nicest looking girl in the class and sit next to her. Her name is Sasha and turns out she's a huge Vampire Diaries fan like myself. We talk about the show the entire class period.

By the end of class I think that I found at least one person to sit next to for lunch.

I drag my feet to art, my heart thumping loudly in my chest at the idea of having to see Quinn. The last time I saw her was on New Year's. Her naked body, her messed up black hair, and her sober as day eyes are trained into my head forever.

As soon as I see the chart projected on the board all nerves flush out of my system, replaced with relief.

"We're getting new seats," I ask a sophomore next to me.

She only nods her head before rushing to her own seat.

Well that was rude.

I find my new seat on the chart and just to make sure I look for Quinn's. Hers is on the complete opposite side of the room.

Once I sit down I pull out my phone from my pocket, ready to text Bash the good news. He's been just as angry at Quinn as I am and nervous for me too. I'm the only one that has to see her again but then again he's stuck with seeing his brother for the indefinite future as well.

I'm surprised and giddy as well to see Bash has already texted me, two minutes ago.

'Remember to ignore her blondie and if she says anything tell me'

'No need,' I text him back, 'we got new seats! Somebody is looking out for me up there!'

'I think I know exactly who is. Your GP doesn't seem to be the type to deal with anyone's bs'

'He certainly wasn't,' I text back with a grin.

"We need to talk."

I look startled to see Quinn standing above me, her hair now a pale blue and a new nose piercing. Glad to know she's been having so much fun since I saw her last.

"Please Sadie," she begs once I don't say anything.

Ignore her and she'll go away. Ignore her and she'll go away.

I turn to my phone, waiting for reply from Bash to save me. Seconds later it comes.

'if he didn't teach you how to break ppl's nose's than I will;)'

I laugh at the text but it quickly dies when Quinn asks, "Is that Bash," with an rushed voice.

I turn to her, my eyes glaring at her traitorous face "Why? Are you going to sleep with him too?"

"What?" She looks down at me shocked with guilt before quickly shaking her head. "I wouldn't do that Sadie. He's like a brother and he isn't talking to me," she says sadly.

If she would have told me this a couple weeks ago I would have conformed and pulled her into a hug. My heart wouldn't have been able to survive the effects of watching her so sad. But things change, such as when she lets my drunk boyfriend stick his dick inside of her.

"Everybody sit down," the teachers says, "that includes you Miss. Worchester."

Quinn continues to look at me, her eyes begging for me to say something, anything but instead I turn my shoulder to her, taking Bash's advice and ignoring her.

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