Chapter 6 - Prove It to You

Start from the beginning

"Well, if it comes to that, I'll yell it from the gym roof if it means I can be with you," Oliver replied confidently, giving his boyfriend a big grin.

But Will just raised his eyebrow in skepticism, not entirely sure it would pan out like how the blonde was saying he would act. A lot of people said one thing but did another, and Will had a feeling that that was what was going to happen here.

"Ok, if you say so, Ol," was all he said, closing his eyes again and focusing on his boyfriend's fingers as he continued to massage his head.

The blonde scowled, not exactly happy with what Will was implying. "What do you mean by that?" he asked, stopping his massaging. Will didn't deserve it now. "You don't think I'd be open with everyone about us being together?"

Will sighed, kicking himself for being so stupid and saying what he did. He opened his eyes to make eye contact with his boyfriend. "Listen, Ol, you're just saying all that because we're in our little comfy bubble right now. But when school starts back up and it all becomes real, I'm not sure you'll feel the same way as you do now," he replied honestly, trying his best to not sound so harsh, before adding, "I don't need you to make any big, elaborate gestures for you to be with me. We can take this slowly and tell those who we feel we can trust, but when it gets out and everyone at school knows, there will be people who want some answers."

"Well, school starts on Tuesday and I'll prove it to you that I'm not gonna hide away in shame about our relationship," Oliver stated adamantly, a glint in his eye saying that we was serious.

"That's great. I'm glad you're willing to be open about all this," Will replied encouragingly, smiling up to him.

"Yep, you'll see Tuesday how much I want us to be together," Oliver reassured, the glint burning wildly in his blue eyes.

Will frowned, a bit unnerved by the blonde's tone. Oh dear lord, what had he started? "Seriously, Ol, I wasn't attacking you or anything. I was just being honest with you, but it's great to see how serious you are about it," he said, reaching up to awkwardly take Oliver's face in his hands. "But you need to calm down right now because you're getting a little too intense."

Oliver sighed, taking a deep breath in to calm himself. Will was right, he had gotten a bit too passionate over it. "Sorry, I just didn't want you to think that I was like, ashamed of being with you because I don't want the whole school knowing we're together yet," he admitted, staring deep into Will's eyes as he melted into the soothing embrace of the other teen's hands on his face. He actually hadn't thought it all through yet, so when Will mentioned that he'd need to sort of "come out" in a way, it threw him off. How had that not passed his mind? 

Will was right, some people knowing was vastly different from the whole school knowing.

"Hey listen, all that matters to me is that the people who matter to us know that we're dating. I really couldn't give much of a shit about what the rest of the school knows or doesn't know, to be honest. So, I'll tell all the girls tomorrow, and you can tell Stacey when you feel like you're ready to, ok?" Will reassured his now-anxious boyfriend, rubbing his thumb lightly back-and-forth along Oliver's jaw in comfort.

"Ok," the blonde agreed, feeling a bit calmer now. He took Will's head in his hands and lifted it up as he leant his head down. He took Will's lips in his own, enjoying the wildfire rush through his body like it always did when they kissed. He felt the energy invigorate him as his teen hormones started to pump up.

Quick as a flash, Oliver was now on top of his boyfriend, arms on either side of his head and their lips reconnected in a fierce battle. He could feel Will's hands on his hips, slowly moving up to take off his t-shirt. Oliver shivered at the sensation of Will's fingers creeping slowly up his body, kissing the other teen harder to show that he was enjoying it. He felt Will nip at his lip as the t-shirt got to his shoulders, so he quickly pulled it off before getting back to those soft lips that he loved so much.

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