Welcome to America (21)

Start from the beginning

I gave him a kiss on the lips and he returned the favor, "You make me melt. I know that might sound all dorky, girly and shit, but you really do. I know you get insecure at times, but I honestly don't know what for. You turned everyone's heads when you walked through the door with your pink dress that other night. You don't need make up, to cover up your angelic face" wait a second "Kayla, being the way that you are is enough babe"

"You dork, I know what you're doing," I gave him another kiss "I've never heard anyone quote their own song to serenade someone before. Round of applause to Niall James Horan of One Direction! Awwh, are you blushing?"

He looked down onto the wood chipped floor, "Gosh, I didn't think you would know the song!"

"Are you shittin' me right now? Oh my. My best friend is absolutely in love with your band. I mean, even though I'm not really a 'fan', wouldn't you think I would want to know who I was living with for a year? So while you guys were at interviews or rehearsals, if I wasn't hanging out with Dani or El, I would go online to see what the fans or press would think of y'all. And along the way, I heard your songs and even bought the album!"

"You bought the album?" Niall asked "That's amazing! When'd you buy it? You didn't even tell us! We would of just given you a copy!"

"Oh c'mon, you're all my friends, I should support you guys! And only a few days ago, I bought one for Jenni too. She always complained how she can't watch videos or listening to music because she's in America, so I bought the entire album for her. She usually downloads them illegally" I explained.

"I'm glad you're so supportive. Will we be able to see her when we get to New York? Oh I mean, New Jersey?" He asked.

I chuckled, "uhm, I didn't really tell Jenni and Jake that I was going back home today, I only told them that I came to Ireland with you. I want to give them a surprise!"

"I do like surprises! Oh and who's her favorite?"

"Mr. Harry Edward Styles can be deemed as her favorite!" I tried saying elegantly in a British accent but failed miserably, embarrassing myself once again.

"Gurl, are you serious?" He imitated my American accent, but more in a sassy tone.

My laughter echoed the cold winter morning, "Come on! Lets go, we have to go soon! We're supposed to leave in 10 minutes and it took us 15 minutes to walk here. We gotta run!"


"Bye mum! I'll get some things for you when I'm over there okay?" Niall said as he enveloped his mom for a hug. We didn't get to see her because she was busy so we decided to invite her to the airport to see us. We had a small breakfast in the airport canteen and had a brief conversation together. She's a really lovely person.

"Good son, you stay safe okay?" Maura retreated from the hug and came by me to give me one. "Thank you Kayla, you're a lovely girl. You take care of me boy, he's a hassle sometimes. But I'm sure you can handle him" she winked.

"Oh no, I'll only be able to do it because you guys raised a wonderful son!" I replied "You must be really proud!"

"I am, he's come so far and I'm sure he can get to places in his lifetime. I'm incredibly proud of this son. Well Greg too of coarse," she said, trying not to make Greg feel left out.

"Yeah, mum, you were smart to mention me!" Greg said quietly, but not quiet enough. "Let's go Kayla and Niall! Boarding starts in 20 minutes! You better run!"

We gave each other one last hug and exchanged some words. The security line wasn't that long, surprisingly, since it's during the holidays. So we took the chance and sprinted towards the short line. We turned around one last time, sent a wave to each of the two family members of Niall, and quickly disappeared into the wave of people while on the way to the gate.

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