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He stared at me with a blank expression on his face and blew out smoke from his blunt. "You what?" He asked calmly. 

I sighed and fiddled with my hands. "I'm pregnant Zaire. We bout to have a baby in less than eight months."

He continued to stare out into space and smoked his blunt. After a couple minutes he finally said something. "Is it mine?"

I frowned and stared at him in disbelief. "What do you mean is it yours? Duh nigga it is yours!"

He put his blunt out and turned to face me with a frown. "How you so sure that its mine? For all I know it could be that niggas you met at the damn bus stop!" He started to get loud.

I stood up from the couch. "Nigga its yours and I know for a fact that is cause for one, I never did anything with Mekhi, and for two I'm six weeks pregnant! We been fuckin like some horn dogs ever since the first day I met you!"

I've known Zaire for almost three months now, and when me and Lundyn met up with him and Zion at the mall that day, that was the third time I had seen him and the third time we had sex. I'm surprised it took me this long to get pregnant seeing that we never used a condom before. Even though we should have been using them, but it is what it is.

"Nah I want a test." He said nonchalantly and turned the tv on.

That did it for me. I charged at him and hit him with all my strength. I was so tired of this nigga, he dont give a fuck about nobody but his damn self. Its cool though, cause I will be putting that ass on child support if he dont wanna man the fuck up. I continued to hit him and he finally pushed him off me and I fell to the floor.

He touched his bleeding lip and glared at me. "You crazy bitch! I should kill yo ass!"

"Fuck you! You a bitch made ass nigga!"I yelled and was about to get up but he pushed me back down.

He sat on my stomach and gritted his teeth together. "Who the bitch now?" He spat and held my hands over my head.

He put all his weight on me and I started to get scared. "Zaire get off before you hurt my baby."

"I dont give a fuck." He spat. "You gon get enough of puttin yo hands-" Whack!

Zaire fell to the floor and I seen Lundyn standing there with the lamp in her hand. She dropped the lamp and ran to my side. "What the hell happened?"

"Just help me up." I mumbled and she helped me off the floor. I looked down at Zaire as he groaned in pain on the floor then kicked him in his stomach. "Now look at yo cry baby ass. Just pitiful. You suppose to take that shit like a man." I kicked his ass again in his stomach.

"Danica thats enough, come on." Lundyn said and pulled me out the door with her.


"So you pregnant with Zaire's baby?" I questioned as I sat on her bed. Me and Darnell stared at her as we waited for her to answer my question.

"Yea." She replied dryly as she searched through her closet.

"Damn double d, how you let that shit happen?" Darnell asked and sat indian style on Danica's bed.

She shrugged her shoulders as she changed into some more comfortable clothes. "It just happened so leave it alone."

"You gon keep it?" I asked curiously.

"Duh, thats not even a question that needs to be asked. I wasnt raised like that and plus my momma wouldnt dare let me have an abortion."

"So you gon raise him or her?" Darnell asked.

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